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Tw: this chapter will contain Self harm, homophobic language and mentions of domestic abuse

Baji is at the front counter trying to get some work done since it's been pretty dead today. He rubs his temples while stuck on this one question, he feels both physically and mentally exhausted with all of his school work.

Whenever he needs motivation he thinks back to his mom and how he wants to make her proud, he's vowed to never make her cry again. While lost in thought Baji realizes he hasn't seen her in a while and god he misses her.

While chewing on his pen cap his phone starts ringing. He looks down and notices Kazutora's name flashing on his screen and answers the phone.

"What's up I'm in the middle of studying so we have to make this quick."

"Fuyu and I wanted to know what time you'll be home."

"Im actually getting off a little earlier today, boss said since it's not busy he doesn't need me closing with him."

The line goes quiet for a second with hush whispers on the other line, 'yup they're definitely up to something' thinks Baji, he still hasn't forgotten about the dinner Tora and Chifuyu want to have with him and how secretive they've been lately.

"Uh that's great, so what time do you think that'll be at"

"Probably around 6"

Kazutora let's put a breath of relief, "okay that's perfect, have fun studying but don't push yourself too hard."

"Yeah yeah see you later" with that Baji hangs up the phone and continues with his work. Occasionally helping the few customers who have came into the store but it's been nothing crazy.

-Meanwhile with Chifuyu and Kazutora-

"What do you mean he's getting off a couple hours earlier ?"

"Boss is letting him get off earlier, he probably saw him stressing with work so he made up the excuse that he didn't need Kei closing" says Kazutora from the living room, hes putting the gift they got Ryoko in a bag and is planning on hiding it in his room.

"Okumura-San is always looking out for us" Chifuyu says thinking fondly of their boss. He always had the tendency of acting like a father to the three boys so it wouldn't surprise him if that were the case. Chifuyu looks over to Kazutora from the kitchen and his face drops.

"We didn't get my mom anything" Kazutora looks to the side feeling slightly guilty they forgot about Chifuyus mom.

"I can grab something quickly if you want," he offers Chifuyu not exactly knowing what he would gift her.

Chifuyu shakes his head "there's no time plus unlike Baji-san shes very picky on what she likes, I wouldn't know what to get her. We'll just give Ryoko the gift in private."

Part of Kazutora still wants to get Chifuyus mother a gift but goes with Chifuyus choice, it's not his place to interfere with his decision.

Chifuyu spends the next few hours cooking and cleaning while Kazutora is on standby in case Chifuyu needs help with anything. The pair work in perfect harmony having casual conversations from time to time and also singing along to music. They lose track of time until they hear a knock on the door.

On the other side of the door they see locks of black hair and beautiful hazelnut eyes. Ryoko hasn't aged a day the boys think in unison.

Both males embrace the older female missing everything from her scent to her kind eyes.

"Hello boys" she says with a soft laugh, when they pull back she takes a good look at both males. "Oh you both look so grown and handsome"

"We really missed you Baji-san thank you for coming," says Chifuyu.

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