side of her never imagined part 6

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Pari enters talking on phone
Sejal- di! Look at this bandar ..he is dancing as if he is the best one here(making a face)
Rishi- so what ..I am the best  look at scores
Sejal- oho you forgot di is here(smirking) di you give this a shot na...then this bandar will realise who is the best ....
Pari-still on phone ..though listening to them too..
1 min Sejal...moves aside..
Kabir -well aren't you expecting too much from your di (to Sejal)...having a gun for show and using it are two different things and your di doesn't have the courage to use it(he smirks remembering riddhima's failed attempt to kill him..)..she is a coward

Here vansh in his thought-..well I do feel the same for her ..not siding with kabir but still he is right ..
Others too feel the same but the next thing shocks them...

Rishi ,Sejal both are pointing their guns on kabir..
Rishi- well Mr raisinghania ..I don't know what your relation to my di is ..or why is she allowing you here but you see I don't tolerate people badmouthing her ..
Sejal- you are lucky she is here at present otherwise you don't know where you would have been after uttering those words..
Here kabir is scared

Just then pari arrives..
Oye what are you two doing ?..
Ri and sejal-nothing di !
Pari-well with your guns out it seems you are on your way to murder someone..
Sejal- oho di think too much now play the game na..
Pari- but am bus...
Rishi- no di no work have to do this
Pari- ohk but how much do I need to score win
Sejal -6 di
Rishi - no no di...we want a perfect 10(looking at kabir)
Here vansh is cursing him thinking how could she shoot 10 when he is not sure if she could even fire a single one...

Pari- ok I will try  ....

There pari goes ..she merely looks at the game setup  for like 10 mins trying to figure out some pattern in their position so that she could shoot multiple targets with 1 bullet..

Rishi and sejal- understand this but others think they were right about her..

Then pari takes position and boom 1 bullet 3 targets in one go...
Then 2 targets
2 targets again
And then 3  1 bullet still remains

Game over;)
There kabir and vansh are awestruck at her efficiency
Kabir- dammit how did she do it..(anger 🤬)..
Vansh- she could shoot so effectively so why did she back out when I asked her to shoot kabir ..does she still love him..argh why am I even thinking of her ..

Sejal- yay di..see bandar I told you you were mistaken ..(to Rishi mockingly)..
Rishi- are Sejal when did I say I am better than di..I was saying am better than rest(paltu) ..
Pari- you two should stop fighting ..always quarreling .

Both- yes boss!..
Rishi- btw di ..what about that deal with Mehta's ..
Pari-. I was doing that only when you told me to stop working..
Rishi- ..well ..then sorry😐..
Do o need to arrange the meet again then?
Pari- are no sorry is needed ..he said I could talk to him anytime I find time(well seems like  everyone is dying to deal with her 😂)..

Angre to vansh -bhai ..isn't it the same company whom we have to meet 3 times to seal the deal..
Vansh- ..yes..

Rishi- oh so then I take my sorry back..😂..

They all go inside afterwards and pari goes to her study ..while Rishi and sejal- talk with Ishani dadu and others

Kabir and ahana:
Kabir- hey ahana ..I guess we need to do something soon..didn't you see the wealth of riddhima's better to get her property than halfbro's(kabutar abhi bhi sochta hai voh powerful hai stupid)
Ahana- yes you are right ..we need to get her as soon as possible..

Scene changes to study
Pari- gets a call
Man- boss we got the man's you were searching for 3  years..
Pari- great work!..just find him alive I want my answers
Man - yes boss 2 days he will be infront of you
Call ends

Pari-(teary eye)..why God why!..why have you done all this with me broke my heart 3 times..(hmm 3? kabir vansh then whose the 3rd)..
Am I so bad that I can't find selfless love ever....

End for today

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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