A Side Of Her Neverimagined#2#

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Story begins
P/R-Mr Vansh Rai Singhania. I am here that I am withdrawing all my investors and shares from your company.
V-what!! But why?
P/R-I don't think I owe reason to you. It's my company my decisions.
I-so what! What you think of if you take shares she is back it won't affect v r industries.
P/R-oh attitude! Dont you think you speak too much.
Ahana -you gold digger y...
(Pari slapped her in rage)
P/R-I already told her (pointing towards Ishani) I don't tolerate nonsense this time I have slapped you don't they mess with me again two consequences won't be good.
V-MS Malhotra how dare you talk with my family like that. What do you think v r industries to need you.
P/R-(with a smirk) oh really! I thought that you all will learn lesson which is small loss only but now don't blame me.

All were confused.
Pari called her PA Raj.
P-Raj! Withdraw all the shares all the three companies of Malhotra Empire. And tell the companies  allied with us that either there will be allied to VR industries are the Malhotra Empire.
V- whatever .You think they will choose you ,never.
But Angre was a bit nervous as he new the influence .
P/R-that we will see (smirk).
Suddenly the phones in VR Mansion started ringing .
Angre-(on call) what!
V-(on call)dammit!!
And like this they received many calls .All the family members were confused.
After a while angre told them that they lost almost all the investors  and were in loss.
Then Vansh spoke
V-why the hell are you doing this?
P/R-you snatched some precious thing from someone and I snatched your Empire Mr VR. Its bloody  PAYBACK!!
Well one more thing as you have suffered so much loss I think sun some investors would be coming for the amount you will have to leave this mansion.
Just then dadi spoke
Dadi- beta where will we go ?
P/R- I dont  care
Dadi -beta just think once not for us but for my grandchild she needs medication.
P/R - (thinking) hmmm
Okay !see i cant tell the investors to undo the things but i have an offer for you all! You all can stay with me in Malhotra mansion.
V- no  need miss Malhotra (gretting his teeths) I know how to take care of my family I don't need anyone's mercy.
P/R -just think once Mr VR, what if your Underworld rivals take it as opportunity to harm your family.
V- No!!
P/R -just discuss with your family Mr. The offer  is open for the next 10 minutes.
All discussed vansh was not agreeing but somehow angre persuade him
Angre-yes we accept your offer!
P/R - okay !Raj bring my cars.
And yes you all (pointing towards the reporter) dare not publish any stuff. You  see it took me 20 minutes to bring down VR industries. So.... You can imagine what I can do with your channels.
Reporters together-
Mam are you threatening us . It's wrong!
P/R-wrong Right I'll decide and yes if you understood it's good otherwise have many methods of explaining (caressing her gun)
All Raisinghania's were shocked especially Kabir who thought Riddhima to be a naive girl and now today she acted so dangerous !

The reporters being scared left the place and pari just put her mask on and told everyone to come outside.
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