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"when did you transfer" y/n asked Keita "ohh i came today but my first day is tomorrow i came to get my schedule" Keita said as he gave y/n his schedule "ohhh your homeroom is across from mine" y/n said "OMG really maybe tomorrow you can give me a tour of the school" Keita said. "Of course i will you are still one of my closes friends even though we changed schools" y/n said "yeaa same i missed you a lot, oh before i forget can i get your number" Keita said as he gave his phone to y/n "sure" y/n took the phone and typed her number in "here you go" Y/n said "i texted you, you should've gotten my number so you can save it" Keita said happily "yea i see it i'll save it now" y/n said as she saved his number. "I'll get going y/n i'm so happy to see you again" Keita said as he gave y/n a hug "me too Keita" y/n said and they both waved at each other and left

Y/n finally went to the bathroom and went back to class to grab her stuff since class was over. "sorry guys i took so long" y/n said "yea you did. Did it take you that long." Hanbin said laughing "hey actually one of my childhood friend is coming here starting tomorrow but to the class across from us. So i'll be giving him a school tour tomorrow" y/n said happily as she put her stuff away. "who is it" Gyuvin asked "ohh his name is Keita you don't know him though but he's super nice and really short" y/n said laughing. "i mean he's still taller than me but for you guys and Zhang Hao and Ollie he'll be the shortest" y/n said "ohhh wait Hanbin can i invite him to the amusement park this weekend" Y/n said "sureeee i wanna meet him maybe we all can be friends with him" Hanbin said. "yeaa that sounds so cool" Yujin said along with Ricky nodding. Gyuvin didn't like the idea but he just smiled.

"We should get going" Ricky said as he looked at the time "your right we should" Hanbin said as he got up. Along with the others they all headed home


Y/n woke up and did her morning routine today she was going to meet up with Keita before class started. How y/n and Keita knew each other they both we're best friends since elementary school and through middle school but y/n went to a different high school and so did Keita so they didn't talk to each other anymore and y/n use to have a crush on him but now y/n doesn't know if it's a crush but since she saw him y/n has gotten super excited.

Y/n was eating breakfast when her phone ringed. It was a text from Keita 


Keita: 'Hey y/n, how are you?'

y/n: 'Hey Keita i'm good hbu?'

Keita: 'i'm good too i can't wait to see you ><

y/n smiled to herself 'he still uses that emoji' she thought

Y/n: 'same can't wait to see ya too!!' 

Keita: 'i gtg i'll see ya later'

'Y/n: byee'


Y/n usually walks with Hanbin, Yujin, Gyuvin, and now Ricky but she decided to text the group chat that she was going to leave early since she was going to meet up with Keita



Y/n: 'hey guys so i'll be going to school early i have to meet up with Keita'

Hanbin: 'heyyy y/n! ohhh okay then we'll see each other in school then'

Yujin: 'heyy ooo i see you y/n ha ha ha'

Ricky: 'someone has a boyfriend now?' 

Y/n: 'Yujin i know you are smirking right now lol, Ricky it's not like that btw' 

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