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"It's okay no need to be polite we're all friends here" Hanbin said encouraging Zhang Hao "okay thank you" he said "what liner are you" Hanbin asked "ohh i'm 00' liner" he replied "ohhh really so can i call you hyung i'm 01' liner" Hanbin said smiling (a/n stopp his whisker dimples gahhh) "ohh sure you can :D" Zhang hao said making Hanbin squeal a bit (a/n stopp the amount of haobin in the last episode :( i balled my eyes out for real) that's how Hanbin and Zhang Hao became best friends ever since that day along with y/n and the others as well :D


Y/n got up and to her surprise someone made a group chat and it was none other than Yujin he added, Hanbin, Gyuvin, y/n, Zhang Hao, and Ollie. 'oh my this kid' y/n said as she smiled at her phone and Yujin started to face time them and y/n answered it. Yesterday Yujin asked for the two boys numbers as he didn't have them and he got them


"hey guys" Yujin said happily "omo Yujin-ah i was about to shower" Hanbin said as he groaned "OHH COME ON HYUNGG~ you never wanna call" Yujin said annoyed "look y/n noona and Gyuvin hyung don't mind" Yujin said smiling at them (a/n btw if you guys aren't older than Yujin then don't mind where it says "noona" lol there might be some who are older this is just for fun :) lolll) "it's alright i don't mind" y/n said happily "same here" Gyuvin said eating cereal "you guys just love to spoil him" Hanbin said as he facepalmed himself y/n and Gyuvin didn't say anything after. Zhang hao joined a bit after "hi guys :D" he said making Hanbin smile "heyyyyy hyung~" he cooed "hyung how come you get annoyed when i talk to you" Yujin said as he pout "come on Yujin that's not true" Hanbin said "ollie said he can't join since he's getting ready for school" Zhang hao said "that's fine" Hanbin said as he dried his hair

"guys are we going to walk to school" y/n asked "hmm yea its nice out to walk to school" Gyuvin said as he got his backpack "okay then i guess we will see each other soon" Yujin said as he got his keys "yup i'll hang up, bye hyung~" he told Zhang hao making him wave


 Y/n went out and saw Yujin and Hanbin walking together already "do you guys live near each other" y/n asked "yea we do i live a few houses down" Hanbin said making Yujin nod "ohhhh that's nice" y/n said "so we wait for Gyuvin now" y/n said "yea" said Yujin. A few minutes after Gyuvin arrives "sorry i'm still trying to learn the street names" he said gasping for air "hahaha it's okay Gyuvin" Hanbin said pinching his cheek "let's go then" Yujin said as they all walked to school together. "sadly Zhang hao hyung and Ollie hyung go to a different school" Yujin said as they walked "yea but we get to hang out with them later" Hanbin said "y/n i didn't know Ollie was your cousin" Hanbin said making Gyuvin look at them 

"yea he's my mom's nephew making him my cousin" y/n said "ohhh if you didn't tell us anything i would've thought he was your boyfriend or something" Hanbin said laughing "bahahah oh noooo he's cute and all but he gets a bit crazy at times" y/n said making the boys laugh. The teacher comes in making everyone stop talking "guys we have a new transfer student today he comes from China so i hope we all make him comfortable" y/n and Gyuvin look at each other "omg do you think Ollie or Zhang Hao hyung transfer here" said Gyuvin "i don't think it would be Ollie he would've told me if he was" y/n said as she faced the front 

"Come on in now" Mrs. park said making the class gasp "please say something to the class" she said "umm hi guys i'm Young and rich, tall and handsome i'm the charismatic boss baby, Ricky" he said to the class as he bowed everyone started to clap as he stood there some girls even drooled once again "okay thank you for that pleasing speech" said Mrs. park as she was taken back "ummmm let's have sit in those seats in the back" she said and he bowed and walked down the aisle "wow he sure is something" said Hanbin "lowkey i would wanna be his friend" Yujin said as he stared at him. He saw us and smiled at us "hmm should we talk to after class" Gyuvin asked "hmmm i don't mind i think it should be nice having someone from China as a friend tho don't you think" y/n said "absolutely" said Hanbin 

"Okay guys let's start class" said Mrs. park and they started the lesson


Hanbin walked towards Ricky "hi Ricky" he said making the other boy look up "ohh hi" he said as he stretched "you fell asleep during lecture" Hanbin said as he sat down next to him "ohhh yea for a bit i'm so tired" he said as he yawned "ohh i see we'll i'm Hanbin nice to meet you" he said as he extended his hand out "ohhh hi nice to meet you Hanbin...." he says shaking his hand "you could call me hyung by the way. Wanna hangout with me and my other friends during lunch?" he said making the younger nod "ohh okay sure thanks hyung :)" he said happily and Hanbin went back to his seat

"So he said he would join us during lunch, he's tired so i think we should let him sleep" Hanbin said as he looked at him "ohhhhh okay hyung" said Yujin. "what are you doing" Gyuvin told y/n as she was drawing on her notebook "ohh i'm just drawing" she said "oooooo you draw so nice" he said as he grabs her notebook "wait i'm not done yet" she said as she was trying to take it away from him but failed. She slips and lands on Gyuvin's lap. "ooooo guys its  not a time to flirt" said Hanbin as he wiggled his eyebrows "yea there are young people here hello" Yujin said as he played along. Y/n gets up "guys i slipped i didn't mean to sit on his lap" y/n said as she turned super red "why are your ears red then" Hanbin said pointing them out 

"ohhh i-its cause i don't know" y/n said sitting back down and looking out the window. Gyuvin was to stunned to speak but he showed the other two boys her drawing "look isn't this a cool drawing" he said as he showed them "i wasn't even done that's why i was trying to get it from you" y/n said not looking at him but looking out the window "yea it's actually super good" Hanbin said looking at it along with Yujin

'My heart can't stop beating' y/n said as she closed her eyes. Hikaru who watched the whole scene couldn't help but glare at her 'don't worry this will end soon' she said as she smirked.


Sorry guys this was supposed to be post yesterday but i was super busy so i'm sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoy this chapter haha. Stay healthy and safe love you all :3 

Can you love me~ (Kim Gyuvin)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя