Chapter 14

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"Hey, you guys, uh... maybe I could help", Klaus suggested.

"Now is not the time", Luther told him as he rolled his eyes.

"No, let him finish", Taya replied and Diego nodded in agreement.

"He saved our lives today", he added as Klaus stood up, everyone's eyes were on him.

"Is that true?", Luther asked.

"Yeah, yeah I did... take credit for it", Klaus explained, "In fact, the real hero... was Ben." Taya gave him a confused look, her eyebrows furrowed as she tilted her head to the side.

"Ben? As in, my dead Uncle Ben?", she asked, wanting to confirm what she had just heard. She knew that her Uncle Klaus could see and communicate with the dead so that meant he had to have been able to see and talk to Ben, but ghosts couldn't physically touch something without their body going through it. No one said anything and an awkward silence fell upon the group.

"Today... Listen. Today he punched me in the face", Klaus began, "And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's and Taya's lives, not me." Klaus ruffled Taya's hair again.

"You're unbelievable", Luther breathed, not believing a word Klaus was saying.

"You want proof? Is that it?", Klaus asked as he picked up a bowling ball, "All right. I – I'll give you proof. All right, it's showtime, baby. Catch!" Klaus threw the bowling ball and nothing happened, it just landed on the ground next to Taya.

"Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams to be the center of attention?", Luther snapped, getting angry.

"You know I liked you a lot better before you got laid", Klaus retorted and Taya spat out the soda she had just bought and Klaus' eyes widened, realizing what he had just said.

"Which was a complete... It – It wasn't his fault, cause he was ridiculously high, right?", Klaus tried as he tried to smooth over what he had just said, "And – And the girl thought he was a furry..."

"Stop!", Luther told him before he could make things worse, Taya held her head low, trying not to laugh as she held her hand over her mouth. Allison took her notepad and began to walk away with Luther following her, Taya decided she would let them be alone. Thinking this was a matter between the two of them and the two of them only.

"Excuse me!", a woman called as she walked over with her son, who looked like he was around 13. Taya and Five looked at her, the kid had some kind of present wrapper bow on his shirt.

"Excuse me, it's my son Kenny's 13th birthday today, and... Uh, wouldn't your son be happier playing with kids his own age? Assuming it's okay with your two dads", the woman said to Five and Taya, Taya started laughing under her breath as she tried to take another sip of her soda.

"I would rather chew off my own foot", Five snapped, Taya laughed again, sounding like a child at the circus.

The woman gave him a surprised look and walked away with Kenny, something caught Five's attention and he walked over to it. Taya stayed with Klaus and Diego.

"You'd be lucky to get me", Klaus spoke.


"Where's Five?", Luther asked as he and Allison returned.

"He left a while ago, why?", Taya replied.

"Oh for the love of... Where'd he go?"

"Dunno. He didn't tell us", Diego answered, just as clueless as everyone else was.

"Well, we're not waiting around for him", Luther said, "The concert starts in 30 minutes."

"So what's the plan?", Taya asked as she stood with Allison.

"Well, I think that uh... We go to the Icarus Theatre", Luther replied, he didn't sound confident in what he was saying at all, which kind of annoyed Taya. They needed a plan. Not a location.

"That's a location. Not a plan", Diego said, repeating exactly what Taya had said, as if he read her mind or something like that.

"Is that seriously all you've got?", Taya scoffed, folding her arms, Allison gave Taya a weird look. This was the first time she had seen her talk like that.

"Look, if you wanna be Number One, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we're all over the place", Diego stated, agreeing with what Taya had said.

"You're right. We need a plan", Luther agreed, the sound of machine guns sounded and Taya yanked her mom to the ground and found shelter with Klaus behind a counter.

"Who the hell are these guys?", Taya shouted as she covered her ears, the loud shots still going on around them as the bullets scattered all around the bowling alley.

"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!", Klaus shouted back.

"No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us!", Luther replied.

"No way, really?", Taya snarked. Diego quickly stood out of his hiding spot and threw a knife at one of the gunmen, hitting him in the chest and killing him. The dead man fell back and he must have hit something, because the lights changed and the song Saturday Night began to play through the speakers.

Luther quickly stood up as well and threw a bowling ball at another gunman, hitting him and knocking him out before he quickly dove back behind the counter again. Klaus grabbed Kenny's birthday cake and hit one of the men when he threw it while Diego and Luther continued to throw knives and bowling balls.

It was pure chaos, Allison pulled Taya close to her and held her in a tight hug, Taya did the same.

"They're blocking the exit!", Klaus called over to Luther and Diego.

"So, what's the plan now, Luther?", Diego asked and Allison pointed at the bowling lanes.

"The lanes! Let's go!", Luther called and everyone got up and booked it, running down the bowling ball lanes towards the pins. Once they dove through the pins they ran through the door that was at the back, running away from the men that were shooting at them.

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