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Chapter 96 : Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect


Upon seeing this old friend, Bian Xu was startled, his mood becoming a little complicated immediately afterwards.

His own hairs were all white, but his old friend before him was still in his prime, the superior one immediately evident when both sides were compared. Cultivators had lifespans that were several times that of mortals, the youth and beauty of non-age making them appear to be blessed by the Heavens, but there was a cruel side to that, too — they were allowed to show ugliness, ignorance, and poverty, but it was age alone that they could never show.

That was because ‘age’ was not only a law of nature, but the judging phrase of ‘having no affinity with the Great Dao for all one’s life.’

Bian Xu refused to admit that he was jealous, but did feel slightly upset. In the end, he said not a thing, nodding mildly at Ji Qianli.

Everyone below began to converse with gusto. Hearsay stated that White Tiger Estate’s Lord had been seriously injured due to eliminating demons, and after so many years of straight rest in recuperation, all of the Estate’s matters had been handed down to its elders while he struggled for his life.

However, it now seemed that instead of having a tiny bit of a hint that his wick was about to go out, he was hale and hearty.

Ji Qianli looked up to see Cheng Qian atop the tree, shot him a smile, then called out to Tang Zhen from a distance. “I will say, everyone — those of you that have grudges need to think about this. What good would destroying his primordial spirit with one slash be, when he doesn’t fear death? His death would end it all, no suffering to be had. Are you all comfortable with that? If I had an enemy I couldn’t live under the same sky with, I would definitely be itching for them to suffer the utmost of disgrace every single day, while also having a long, healthy life.”

As soon as the Estate Lord opened his mouth, a wave of fresh shit-stirring sticks pummeled the face. Han Yuan looked to really want to cuss the guy out, but he was so pissed off, he couldn’t think up anything good to say for a minute.

This man’s sudden appearance was beyond anyone’s expectations. Even Tang Zhen couldn’t fathom why he had come.

“Your words do not lack reason, Estate Lord,” Tang Zhen calmly stated, “but Zhenren Han’s abilities are far too remarkable. If we want to lock him away, there needs to be a suitable place for it.”

“What would a suitable place be in your opinion, Zhenren Tang?” someone asked.

Tang Zhen cupped his hands towards the asker. “The affairs of all the major sects are quite complex, so I’m afraid they wouldn’t be able to manage him. I’m also afraid that everyone else would have the will, but not the strength to. Hum… when the Skeletonizing Array broke last month, did any of you get an impression of Sect Leader Yan’s cultivation base and sword skills?”

Of course they had. It was a pretty deep impression. How many sword cultivators could cultivate to a primordial spirit? How many could enter the Sword Spirit Realm?

Tang Zhen smiled. “That is why, in my humble view, Fuyao Mountain would be a good place.”

As soon as he said that, Ji Qianli, whose standpoint was unclear, suddenly interjected. “I don’t think that’s appropriate.”

Tang Zhen’s eye twitched a bit.

Hands behind his back, Ji Qianli stepped forth, shooting a glance at Cheng Qian on the treetop. “The Fuyao Sect is Han Yuan’s original sect. Even if Sect Leader Yan is righteous and won’t give in to personal feelings, would this not be the equivalent of all of you trapping him in a situation where he’s innocent, yet suspicious? It’s not appropriate, not appropriate at all — isn’t that right, my little friend, Cheng Qian?”

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