4: taking the long way home

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"Here," offering his hand out, Calum hesitantly intertwined fingers with the blonde's daintier ones for 'safety purposes'.  His warmer touch contrasted her chilled skin as with a single tug up, she was on her feet. The housewife staggered a tad in the high shoes strapped to her feet, causing the boy's hands the grip curved waist and steady her balance. Flushes of pink painting cheeks, chocolate brown eyes lingered to her pink painted lips, taking in a shakey breath through bitten lip. His imagination wanderedas her eyes did as well, from his biceps down to his long legs and back again. Gazing a second or two too long, Alice's eyes widened in realization, clearing her throat and snapping the pair back into reality. She was married and he was young, she was pressed against the brick wall and his hands went 'places' your son's best friend's hands weren't supposed to go. They were in the back parking lot of a reception hall and most certainly not supposed to be doing this."sorry, i just kinda-"

A light chuckle cutting him off, he couldn't help the upward turn of his lips. It's what Alice's laugh did to him and as much as he hated himself for it, he found it fûcking adorable. "You've got a little something right," the pad of her thumb grazing the corner of his lips, the slightest breath sucked in, his eyes trained on her furrowed brows and her senses on how soft his skin was to touch. Smearing off the last bit of choclate residue, he felt pants tighten as she licked her thumb clean, clearly not thinking much of it as she just smiled brightly back at him. "there."

"Th-thanks." the flustered response hung in the air. The light breeze causing slight movement in Alice's dress and hair, the scent of her perfume carried over accordingly and already growing on the young man.

"So Calum, where's your car?", the blond woman nodded on ahead expectantly, causing the tanned teenager to shake the less-then-appropriate thoughts out of his mind and just mumble a quiet 'right' as he took the lead with Alice by his side. They finally stopped at the end of the lot near a banged up Ford sedan. "Looks like this guy has been through hell and back."

"Stacey- yeah it has.", cringing to himself as the name slipped out. Embarrassed ,the raven haired boy patted down his pockets for his keys, slipping them out of his back pocket eventually as he unlocked the doors.

Hoping to draw attention away from his quirk, this proved painfully unsuccessful because they were the first words that left her mouth when they slid into the front seat. "So, you named your car?"

Biting back a smile, Alice frankly found the little mannerism cute, especially because Calum didn't seem to. "N-No of course not!"

"Why'd you call her, Stacey, huh? Does her mom got it going on?", the words coming out jokingly, but as he scratched the back of his neck nervously, smirk widened and eye brow quirked. "You didn't."

"I did,", his sigh met with laughter as with the turn of the nob, the stereo filtered out all other sounds, including Alice's chuckle. Calum carefully pulled out of the spot and made a right onto the major road. Feminine fingers turning down the dial once the initial song ceased to play, her laugh had subsided but she was left slightly winded as he just pain-stakingly rolled his eyes. A slight smile creeped across his features. "I know it's weird."

"Nah, I find it cute, in um- general, you know." Blue eyes glancing out the window awkwardly, hearts pounded slightly harder. Hands felt a little sweatier, the tension spoke for itself but mouthes would never.

"In general, yeah.", he repeated her words back out of reassurance, but he couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach. Even when eyes were on the road and not on the unfittingly beautiful woman in the passenger seat of his shitty car, he heard her humming along to the song on the radio. He saw out of the corner of his eyes, the way the street lamps illuminated patterns across her fair skin. He felt the aura that he hadn't known for long. It whipped through him in ripples as his mind wandered to her pain, physically and emotionally. Everything  seemed to hit him at once like a tidal wave. One that that didn't washed away, but instead drowned out.

Driving on for ten minutes or so more, eventually the car pulled up in front of the extravagent home causing Alice's heart to sink into her stomach at the sight of Richard's car parked in the garage. Calum noticed her tense and the fear in her eyes, but just stayed silent, their breathing the only thing to be heard. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," an attempt at a convincing smile spread across her features, words being spoken more to tell herself that she would be fine, if anything. "why wouldn't I be?"

A shrug being his answer, soon enough the petite woman said a quiet 'thank you' and swung open the door. Before feet could find the ground, Alice turned around and gave one last look, the softness in his eyes a change from stoney ones she was used to seeing.

The feel of their hands touching over the center console, each other's presence as addicting as heroin. 

Before she could stop herself, she leaned in to kiss his cheek.

Before he knew it, he had turned his head, their lips connecting and moving in sync.


hihi babies, it's ali hereee :) i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, i wanna apologize that this update is a bit shorter then usual! I'm in finals week so i didn't have loads of time, i hope you understand!

in other news im super excited bc i was just nominated to do an interview which is exciting af and i PASSED 2.8K YESTERDAY LIKE WHAT IS THIS TY ALL SO MUCH FOR FOLLOWING AND SUPPORTING ILY

carrying on from that, i want to give special mentions to lovely souls like horizonharry ,ridesluke , therapies , hemnesia , arcticpeters , mclahey , squattmccall , -smashmeash , -sweetea , raybanned , dinosaurluke , falloutirwin , archaicfun , memelords , grossist , lousers- , emptygoldafi , mikerowave , ashtimelows , fasterluke , gayboyharry , sugarhood , breakfastclxb , fckinghealy , AintThatDevine , ashtoniwrins , spookyblack , dulect , cigarvtte , irwintoxicated , kingirwin , tomlin-fox , michaelfrangipane , michaelstripper , breakfastclxb , smokable , killingyourcupcakes , wirelessirwin , nerdyirwin , nearlynirvana , tenniskirt , redflannels and many others who are the lights of my life !

before i peace out, i also wanted to let you guys know i started a rant book and i'd mean a lot if you slided in their and checked it out ;)

comment, vote, share, and all that jazz

- ali xx

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