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"This is amazing", Nate's voice echoed through the ear piece. Dante couldn't hear it because Sully wasn't sharing. 

"Don't you have a spare ear piece?" He asked as they exited the church. The cool night air of the city still lingering with the heat of the day. It wasn't very late and it was visible by the people still littering the streets.  

"Don't complain that I can talk to your boyfriend and you can't", Sully huffed. Eyes on his phone as they followed Nate's icon through the streets. He came to an abrupt stop and pulled a disgusted face. "Here! You have it". He pulled the earpiece from his ear and held it out. Dante picked it up and grimaced at the earwax. 

"Yuck Sully". He rubbed it clean on at corner of his jacket and tucked it into the shell of his ear. 

"So why did you become Indiana jones anyway?" Nate's voice sounded. It was remarkably clear. 

"Hello", Dante singsonged, grin stretching his lips as he and Sully walked around a array of yellow lit cafe tables. Their route taking them through a series of cobbled streets towards the heart of the city. People bustled around them and music drifted out of bars and still open cafes. 

"Oh North. Hi", Nate's voice replied. In the background he heard Chloe grumble something. He seemed to have interrupted her retelling of her life story, not that Dante was apologetic about it. "How's the route looking up there?" 

"It's fine so far. No traps, just lots of cafes", Dante replied as he watched the tracker signal on his phone. Nate moving forwards. He glanced at Sully. The man was walking quietly next to him. Dante subtly glanced in the reflection of a store window as they passed, glimpsing the street behind them. They were being followed. 

"It's all dark and dusty here. How did you get into the Indiana jones stuff by the way?" 

"Oh family history", he muttered back as he and sully turned a corner. Nate sounded like he was going to reply when a sudden booming bass interrupted him. Dante winced as heavy music pounded down the comms. "Where are you? I can't hear you". 

"This doesn't seem right!" Nate's voice was hard to make out over the din. 

"What's going on?" Sully asked. 

"They seem to be in a rave?" Dante shrugged. The older man laughed. 

"Reminds me of Paris". 

"Hey. The party in the catacombs was amazing. Don't lie", Dante sniggered at the memory as they continued down the streets. The cobbles all lit with the warm yellow tones of streetlamps. A bike shot past and the noise echoed off the stone houses surrounding them. Their path was leading them towards the square full of cafes and restaurants they had passed earlier that day on the way to the church. It was full of a gentle hubbub of tourists dining and city life. A fountain with water shooting merrily from several spouts stood in the centre of the square. Dante took a second to snap a photo just as the dim blasting of the rave music cut out. 

"Oh, We've almost caught up", he greeted. 

"Good. Hey, got that key?" Nate's voice was clear in his ear. 

Dante and Sully crossed past a Papa johns and around the fountain. The little icon of the tracker blinking merrily on Sully's phone screen. Behind them, they could just about hear heels on cobbles. Suddenly, the water shooting from the fountain stopped. Dante paused to watch as the water seemed to drain away from the bowl. That was weird. "A lot of water", Nate stated in his ear, dread filling it. 

"Oh shit", Dante realised. Nate and Chloe must have triggered a water trap. 

"Oh my god! This has to be a test! The eighteen did say that". 

North || Nathan DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now