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The sky was still sunny and bright as the three men waited for Sully's contact on the tiled ground outside the Palace of Montjuic. Dante had his camera around his neck and was leaning against the stone railings as he took a few shots of the city spanning out below and around them. He had changed his flight clothes in the visitor toilets and was now wearing a pair of black cargo trousers with a white tshirt. A denim jacket hanging from his shoulders as the breeze tugged at his curls. Sully was scanning the paths through his sunglasses while Nate took in the view. "Say cheese", Dante alerted. Nate grinned and threw up a peace sign as Sully turned away. The camera clicked and the two men were immortalised in the sun with the city of Barcelona spreading out around them. 

"Anything you need in Barcelona and Chloe Frazer can get it", Sully continued, ignoring as Dante snapped a few more photos. Nate grinning in one before returning his attention to the older man's words. 

"Your contact is Frazer?" Dante scowled. 

"Got a problem North?" Sully asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope", Dante muttered as he fiddled with his camera. "We may have parted on bad terms last time. She may not be happy to see me". 

"Damn right", a female voice greeted as a tanned woman in a red dress served around some tourists and stopped a few feet away. Chloe's eyes were lined with eyeliner, making them even darker than even Dante's black gaze. Her hair was shorter than it had been since he had last seen it. She eyed the curly haired male up and down, before flicking her gaze towards Nate and Sully. "You owe me two hundred dollars you motherfucker", she snapped, punching Dante solidly in the arm. "That hotel room was expensive and I can't believe you smashed that lamp". 

Dante grinned. "It was a good nigh though, right? We had a good time, didn't we?" 

Chloe's lips twitched as she snorted. "Nice try North. Hey Sully, who's this?"

Nate was frowning at the two of them but he stuck his hand out in greeting. "I'm Nate. I'm a friend of Sully's, and North's". There was a second of hesitation before he said Dante's name, as if he was wondering how to refer to him. Dante nodded at the use of his surname and Nate relaxed. 

Chloe scoffed. "Sully doesn't have any friends. I should know, I'm one of them". North sniggered as she then gestured at him. "And this reckless bastard only has fuck buddies and people can annoy". 

"Is that what you are? Fuck buddies?" Nate asked, eyes flickering between the girl and boy. 

"Once", Chloe lifted her gaze to meet Dante's. The curly haired male grinned, the scar through his eyebrow twisting at the movement. "But not anymore. This one can't show any vulnerability without dying. Makes for a shitty relationship". 

"You wound me Clo", Dante tilted his head and snapped ha picture of her unamused face on his camera. 

"Ouch", Sully commented. "So enough of your shitty breakup. Why the spy games? Why couldn't we meet at the house?"

"I was making sure you weren't followed". 

"Oh come on", Sully looked offended. "You don't think I can't spot a tail? Not even with North in the car?" 

"I've been on you since the airport", Chloe stated. Sully turned betrayed eyes to Dante, who shrugged. 

"Who do you think I was shouting abuse at through the car window earlier? Not another driver? Road rage is a waste of my time. Also, if you had told me that she was your contact, then I might have told you. I though no secrets". 

"Look, it doesn't matter, why is he here?" Chloe waved a hand at Nate. The man had his hands in his pockets and was watching the exchange with a confused but amused expression. 

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