My Wild Mind

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Today was like any other day boring and slow, but the weather made up for it. It was sunny and had a little bit of a breeze to it, but I couldn't focus on the weather I needed to get to the store before it closed. Why did I decide to go so late? Well, I'm trying to avoid someone who's usually at the store earlier in the day. Pablo Picasso.

Why do I avoid him well for starters the man is borderline obsessed with me, always wanting to paint or draw me or saying things like 'te verías tan bonita adornada en amarillo y rojo' (you would look so pretty adorned in yellow and red) or 'Puedo dibujarte de tal manera que todos estarían celosos' (I can draw you in such ways that everyone would be jealous). You know cringy stuff. I don't like the idea of someone like him drawing me so I made it my goal to avoid him, but I think that just fuelled his ambition. For the most part, my walk was nice there were a few people here and there thankfully non were Pablo, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that I would bump into him.

The store came into view and I released a quiet sigh 'I made it' I thought, things were starting to look up. That is before I saw Pablo on the other side-walk seemingly in his own little world. I began to walk faster and put my head down and prayed to God that Pablo wouldn't notice me, but alas God must be mad at me because as soon as I was mere feet from the store entrance he called my name and rushed over to me.

"Jolie, casi te echo de menos." (Jolie, I almost missed you) He said with a chuckle. A part of me wished he did.

"Oh lo siento no te vi," (oh sorry I didn't see you) I said with a fake smile, "Estaba tratando de llegar a la tienda antes de que cerrara." (I was trying to get to the store before it closed) I added praying that something or someone else would catch his eye, but again my prayers went unheard.

"Ah eso no es problema," (Oh that is no problem) he said with a smile, "Iba a dar un paseo por la tarde." (I was just going for a late afternoon walk) He declared.

"Sí, los paseos son los mejores en este momento," (Yes, walks are the best at this time) I said cursing myself for not ending the conversation there, "Realmente debo irme, aunque la tienda cerrará pronto." (I really must get going though, the store is going to close soon). I said finally trying to end our conversation, which of course didn't work as he continued talking.

"¿Qué planeas conseguir?" (What do you plan on getting?) He asked curiosity lacing his voice.

"Oh, solo un poco de pan y leche," (Oh, just some bread and milk) he really isn't going to leave me alone, "Ahora, si me disculpan, la tienda cerrará pronto." (Now, if you'll excuse me, the store will close soon) And with that, I tried to walk away, but he didn't seem to get the idea that this conversation was over.

"Bueno, la tienda cierra en una hora y media," (Well, the store closes in an hour and a half) he stated, "Nosotras tenemos mucho tiempo para chatear." (We have plenty of time to chat) He explained in a happy tone. I'm telling you he's doing this purposely.

I felt annoyed, now you might be wondering how this is annoying and or obsessive since some people say I'm over 'exaggerating', it's extremely creepy how he always bothers me and I'm getting a little feed up. Maybe I should just let him draw me already so he can leave me alone.

"¿Qué pasa, Jolie?" (What's wrong Jolie?) He asked with a bit of a smile.

"Realmente no tengo tiempo para hablar," (I really don't have time to talk) I said slightly raising my voice, "quiero Quiero irme a casa y no preocuparme de que siempre me estés acosando!" (I want to go home and not worry about you always harassing me) I snapped.

The man simply smiled seeming unbothered by my sudden outburst. Is this a joke to him? I was about to snap at him again until he spoke.

"Tienes una imaginación muy salvaje." (You have a very wild imagination) He said with a loud chuckle.

Ok now I'm confused there is no way I've been 'imagining' all of this. "¿Qué clase de humano en mal estado fantaseaba con esto?" (What kind of a messed up human would fantasize about this?) I asked in slight disgust.

"Tú," (You) he replied "Te imaginas esto para suprimir el hecho de que tu obsesionada" (You imagine this to suppress the fact that your obsessed)

Me? Obsessed? Ok, now he's pushing it.

"Si piensas por un segundo que estaría obsesionado contigo, entonces estás equivocado." (If you think for even a second that I would be obsessed with you then you're wrong) I stated still in shock at the previous statement.

"¿Soy yo?" (Am I?) He asked.

"Te desprecio ¿por qué diablos estaría obsesionado contigo?" (I despise you, why the hell would I be obsessed with you?)

"No sé," (I don't know) He questioned as his face began to get blurry "¿Por qué eres?" (Why are you?)

"Yo-yo no soy" (I-I'm not) I stated in denial, but it's hard to deny the memories of me constantly harassing the poor man.

"Piénsalo, ¿realmente eras tú quien quería escapar?" (Think about it, was it really you that wanted to get away?)He asked, "O fue el?" (Or was it him?)

He was right, it was me that was harassing Pablo, it was me that was obsessed. I just didn't want to believe it.

"No hay- tu" (There's no- your) I was lost for words, it was me.

"Despertar." (Wake up) He said in a distant tone. Making me come to, and take in my surroundings. I was on my porch with a notebook and telescope, looking at my unsuspecting neighbour. Pablo Picasso.

"¿Qué está mal conmigo?" (What is wrong with me?)

A/N: Hello to whoever reading this. This was for my English 10 class, where we had to involve dialogue with our favourite celebrity or famous person. Just to let you know I personally don't have a favourite celebrity or famous person, so this was a little more challenging in some ways. I chose Picasso because he was the first person to come to mind. Oddly enough, I don't like being in my stories, so I made a character similar to me but more obsessive and with a different name.  I added the Spanish in here because Pablo was Spanish, and I'm somewhat familiar with the language. I hope the story was decent.

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