Death sentence

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(Art by me🖤🐀)

You felt a hand shake you, but you turned in your bed with a soft groan escaping your parted lips. The shaking became more violent making you spring up from the mattress you were laying on. Pain bloomed across your body as you hissed grabbing your torso with a small gasp. You retract your hand harshly as pain doubled as you put pressure on it.

"Mrs?" A girl asked her big eyes looking at you.

You grunted as you get up "Who? Where? What"

"Are you okay? We need to get you medical attention" she gasps as she runs out of the cabin you were in.

You took a moment to prop yourself up and look around. You were in a cabin. The logs were a dark brown as everything seemed to simple like the nonexistent decor. It seemed cleared out except for the bunks lining the walls. There was some people loittering around but you didn't pay much attention to them.

You raise your shirt and flinched at the dark purple and green colors forming on your torso. They formed in fiery colors. You glanced at your broken finger. It was swollen and purple making your face scrunch up softly. You tasted metal in your mouth making you believe you had dried blood on your face. You touched your face with your good hand and your face felt swollen. One eye was half closed. Jesus.

Fuck Joan. Seriously who knew your doppelganger would get you into this much trouble. This is such shit. You put your head in your hands lightly trying not to put any pressure anywhere.

"Hey I brought you a...medical person?" The girl from before questioned.

You looked up to see a tall man. He had a blue mask and black substance oozing from the holes of the mask. He had a black hoodie his sleeves pushed up revealing tightly bandaged arms. He had brown hair that was russled messily. His skin that peaked out looked like a dead grey.

"....No" he says simply turning to walk away, his tone curt and cold.

"Wait you said you helped contestants" she called for him.

He scoffed and you saw something under his hair flick in annoyance, was that his ears?

"She can do it herself"

"At least give her bandages please" The girl pleads but you were just staring at the man curiously, you were used this treatment, atleast he wasn't beating you to a pulp.

He stopped for a second he seemed beyond annoyed. He stormed out making the girl besides you wilt slightly. She had stood up for you so it was only fair that you tried to comfort her. You patted her arm with a soft smile that hurt your face even to make.

He came back in almost as quickly as he had left. He was stalking closer with long strides, his fingers squeezing the bandages. He shoves it into her chest and you couldn't help but shoot up besides her not caring about the shooting pain in your legs and abdomen. You noted his animal like clawed hands since you knew you'd protect her if he did something.

He scoffed and leaned into the girls face making her flinch back "If you knew who she was you wouldn't be fucking helping her"

With that he storms off. The girl holds the bandages. When she looked at you there wasn't even a hint of suspicion. It made your brows furrow. Does she have no sense of danger?

"You know you should really be questioning why he dislikes me so much" you state grabbing the bandages and starting to wrap yourself up with soft grunts.

"Why should I? Are you a danger to me?" She asks.

"No" you say quickly.

"Okay then I believe you" she shrugs.

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