Identity joke isn't a joke Jim

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You glanced back waiting around for a moment. You weren't a creep you promise, you were just making sure she made it to her apartment safe. You pressed your hands into your pockets waiting for her apartment light to turn on.

The building was more well maintained than your own. No vines grew from the cracks, hell there was no cracks. It was a square shaped building and windows faced the streets. The lights from the rooms illuminated the dark sidewalk.

Your (e/c) eyes focused on her balcony. You see the light flicker on making you let out a soft sigh. She made it safe. There was a lingering feeling that pressed into your back. You press your lips together.

You turned on your heel continuing down the street. It was clear of all life. The night was quiet, soft puffs of air appearing infront of your face. You looked at the street lights. They were spaced too far from each other, each light getting dimmer and dimmer as you get closer to your apartment. The moon was full its gentle light the only real light source illuminating your path.

Every once in awhile a car would pass by. Your eyes would watch it carefully. You didn't drive. You clenched your fists. Its not like you needed to,  eveything was in walking distance. You rolled your shoulders before your mind slowly wandered for a moment.

Delilah. You hadn't given much thought to her proclamation at the cafe. Its not like you ever took blame placed on you gracefully.  Still what had she meant? Her words repeating in your head as you replayed the conversation.

'Who is looking for me?' You think.

You begin to think about anyone you might have wronged. It was basically no one. You had been a quiet kid in school with very few freinds. You were really only close to your parents. Then you had gone to colloge with a major psychology were majoring until that car crash.

Still no one appears in your mind. There was no one who would be looking for you because you simply didn't even know anyone. You sighed massaging your head. Why was everything getting so complicated suddenly. You were literally just some girl.

Your hair raised making you stumble in your steps. Your breath hitched as the fog expands from your mouth. You needed to act normal. You pushed your hand into your pocket gripping the army knife. You walked down, the serene walk suddenly turning eerie.

The moon lights illumination suddenly brought attention to the shadows surrounding you. You kept seeing something just out of your sight every time. The street lamps dim lights started to flicker. This wasn't unusual since you were getting closer and closer to your apartment.

'If I keep walking, there will be a chance they attack me. If I go to my house they will also attack me. The closet police station is 2 minutes away but I'd have to walk back from where I came-' your thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"(Y/n) why are you out so late" Abigail yelled, she was standing at the mail boxes that were located outside of the apartment complex gates.

"Why are you checking your mail so late? You're just asking for danger" you chided her.

"Hush I've lived for 60 years ain't nobody want an old bag of bones like me" she says grabbing her mail before locking the compartment again.

"Yeah yeah come on lets get you home" you sighed as you walked side by side with her.

The gate came into view and you pushed your key into the hole turning it before pushing the door open. You always just entered through the back hole in the gate so you didn't have to deal with the whole gate thing. Since Abigail was with you though it would be a bad idea to lead her all the way back just so you don't have to deal with using keys.

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