•train station•

737 18 3

We were all talking and heading to the subway station.

Tara was walking close with chad. I couldn't help but feel annoyed,I clenched my and looked at him as he wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked.

I rolled my eyes and pushed my way through them.

"Hey you okay?? Mindy asked as she looked at me "if I'm being honest no I'm not" I said looking down

"She's so close and touchy with me and gives me these signs but than she's with your brother" I said as I looked at them and saw them smiling.

"All I can say is just take it easy with us if she wants you she'll come to you don't chase her." She said before walking to the look at the map.


The subway was here so Sam,Tara,chad,David and me got on.

"Hey guys wait" mindy yelled "shit" I said as I tried holding the door open but it closed

I backed away from the door and just stood next to Tara. I looked around and noticed there were so many people dressed in ghost face costumes.

The lights started to Flickr making me make sure everyone was still together. As the subway came to a stop I saw someone dressed as ghost face coming our way I quickly stood in front of Tara while David stood in front of Sam but he walked out the subway.

I looked at Tara before going back to where I was originally standing.

As the subway came to a stop we all walked out.
We were now heading to the wear house where Kirby was waiting for us.

We walked inside and the gate close and locked itself as we walked in.

"When we get him trapped in here ge won't be able to escape the gate only opens with a key card and I have it" Kirby said making everyone nod.

I walked around and took my jacket off. "You okay" Sam asked as she looked at me

"Yea just in a bit of pain" I said as I gave her a weak smile.

A/n:y'all add me on ig vxc._ángel if y'all have any requests for books 😁

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