8: Good Morning Revival

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"... the horse has not been seen since. Happy July 14th to you all, it is currently 8:15 AM and it is a rainy day here in London. One month ago, the UN decided not to pursue charges against the three who allegedly stole confidential files from the United Kingdom. However, the courts have charged them. The three are being charged with-"

"... fucking bullshit."

I turned off my TV and stood, stretching. Looks like Shepherd is getting his way. Old man Thatcher had sent a spy of sorts into the Shadow Company, though I don't know who it is. Apparently, the PMC is extremely shady... like makes Nighthaven look clean. Though, the more I've worked with Kali and Nighthaven, the less corrupted it looks, though to be fair, it's only been a couple of times. This makes me wonder what all Rainbow has to hide... it has to be a lot. That's besides the point. I wandered over to my fridge and grabbed a cola, quickly taking a sip. I then wandered out of my dorm, immediately running into the old man.

Thatcher: "Ian. My office. Now."

He turned and began to walk to it, myself quickly following. I was wondering what this was about, I hadn't done anything wrong... today. We reached his office and walked in, I saw Kali already sitting in there. She turned when we walked in and smiled.

Kali: "Hello, Ian."

"Hi Kali."

I sat in a chair next to her, Thatcher sitting across from us. Kali now turned to him.

Kali: "So, what is this about Mike?"

He leaned forward.

Thatcher: "The UN gave us the green light. We are authorized to combat and eliminate the Shadow Company."

"So what does this mean for us?"

Thatcher: "We're setting up a joint task force. However, only certain operators will be allowed in, and allowed to know about it. If this gets out, we're the bad guys and the public will want our heads."

I nodded and Kali stood.

Kali: "Gather your best operators, we're going to stop Shepherd before he starts a war."

She turned and left the room all professional like, and I leaned forward.

"What's my job, Mike?"

Thatcher: "You're leading this operation. You are in charge of planning the attacks with Kali, as well as choosing your operators. It's completely up to you."

"Well why don't you have a veteran do it?"

Thatcher: "Because you're the one who started this, so you'll be the one who finish it. I have no eyes or ears in it. Let me know when it's done. Get to work."

I stood and walked out, my mind flooding with thoughts. In May, I was just a recruit, but now I'm leading a whole ass team to try and stop a war. Well, I always said I needed to prove my worth, at least to my father. Now it was my time to do so. First, I need my team because as far as I know, I'm going in blind.

Some Time Later (12:17 PM)

I was pacing around my room in deep thought. I knew a couple of operators I knew that I wanted: Maverick and Blitz. I, at minimum, wanted two more, but I really didn't know who. I would preferably like another medic, however I don't think Doc would appreciate me taking him away from base, and I don't know if Thunderbird is cleared yet. If I did add her, I would probably want to add Hibana because they are besties... if you couldn't tell by this point. Maybe I could get Brava as well. I would want to get Lion and Dokkaebi as well, however with Lion's stance on casualties, I don't know how well he'd fit in with the operation. 

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