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Circle sat in the evening air, his 'chin up to the white sky...more like void. circle scoffed and then circle came up to them. "Hey Circle" Circle circled circle cirlce cirl circle circle cirlcy circe circ crc circlyyyy said. "Tongue Twister" Circle with a mole said. "YOUR... ANIMATED?" Circle screamed at the top of their lungs that didnt exsist. "Cigaratte" Circle with a mole said, lighting it. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Host circle screamed so loud it put four bfb to SHAME. Host circle slapped the cigarette out of their hand. "HAY >:(" Circle growled "Furry" Circle scammed somebody on etsy while speaking. "Says the person that just sold a fake autograph of Justin Chapman on ebay." Cwm said, putting on sunglasses bc they roasted Circle so bad that Circle had third-degree burns. No not circle, the Circle that burnt the wter like in that one meme. "Cigarette." Cwm said, pulling out another and lighting it. "NOAWHHH" Circle screamed and shoved it down their own throat. CWM then sobbed so loudly it put out the cigarette he had lit with his hands in secret. 

the end

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