Taking it Easy

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(Vance's POV)

Ever since we got home after the whole kidnapping thing, Finney has been laying around and taking it easy

It really sucked that they did all of that in a day

Like, jeez

He's tried to get up and walk around a few times, but he either gets told to sit back down or falls

It was now the morning and he was sleeping next to me

I got up and picked him up to walk down to breakfast

I held Finney so that he was pretty much sitting on my arms and facing me, his head on my shoulder

He was silently and slightly crying into my shoulder, but he said not to worry

He doesn't want to cry, his body just does because of the pain in his legs

I'm guessing whenever he was running, the stamina and adrenaline really hit him, he wanted to go home.

Though the running probably made it worse

I sat him down in his usual chair and he just sat there staring at his food

"Finney, you need to eat something, you've barely ate anything in the past few days" Bruce addressed

Finney just stayed silent

"I'd just throw it all up anyways.." Finney mumbled, loud enough to be heard

"I know it's hard, but you still need to eat at least something" I stated

He just put his hands in his lap

"Here, how about you take a few bites of your oatmeal and a banana? Sound good?" Billy said

"I guess...." Finney muttered

I reached into the fruit bowl in the middle of the table and gave Finn the banana since I was closest to him

He muttered a thanks and ate a little of the oatmeal

It was only like 2 spoonfuls, but it was better than nothing

He seemed to be able to eat the banana better than the oatmeal

After breakfast, me, Bruce, Billy, and Finney were in the living room while Robin played with Griffin outside

Billy was standing behind Finney with his arms around Finn's waist from behind, I was standing next to Billy so I could pick up Finn if needed, and Bruce was knealing not too far away on the floor

We were trying to build up the strength in Finn's legs again, and yes, we have permission from the boy himself to do so

Finney seemed to be doing a little better, but only a little..

He couldn't stand without someone else's support, but we're making progress

He could stand up for a few seconds, but fell backwards with his back leaning on Billy

"We can try again later or tomorrow, I think that's enough for right now...." Bruce said

Me and the other 2 nodded in response

Oh, Finney......


"✨ Butters 🍳 people🚶‍♀️ can't ❌ go 🚘 around 👍 beating 👊 up 🦫 people 🚻 who 🥬 have 🤬 diabetes 😶"           - Kyle

Sorry for the delay

I'm high on some unknown shit but that's okay 👍


I'm making a new fanfic 😃

It's Harry Potter 😙

But I don't wanna say exactly what 😶

Anyways peeps, sorry for the wait


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