
544 19 23

(Shark Finns)

Me and Bruce decided to make sandwiches, and asked what and how many each person wanted

Ham: 9
Turkey: 1
PB&J: 1
Total: 11

So I got the stuff we needed out of the fridge and started making them

Blah blah blah after making sandwiches and all that fancy shit

Time skip cuz I forgot my ideas for this:
✨ many hours ✨ - 9:00 (night🌙)

Everyone was doing their own thing; scrolling on their phone, reading, ect

"I'm boredddddd" Gwen groaned

"Yeah, this is unamusing" I replied, not looking up from my book

"Wanna watch a movie or something?" Vance asked

"Sure" everyone agreed

We decided nothing on Hulu, Disney+, and Netflix was interesting and decided to go on YouTube (Yes, it's on the TV)

We decided on something paranormal, like ghosts and stuff

Gwen said some weird people who I've seen clips of, the content is fake and all of the 'ghosts' and 'paranormal activity' is poorly photo shopped, so that was out of debate in a heart beat

"What about Sam and Colby?" Vance suggested

"Oh! I've watched some of their videos!" I said and smiled

"I didn't think you were the type to like paranormal" Bruce said

"I'm a physic, I could literally see you and hear you without the phone and before I killed the Grabber..." I stated blankly (sorry if I spelt any of that wrong)

"Wait huh-" Billy muttered

"Just pick a video" I said

"Uhhmmmm, how about the Stanley?" Robin suggested

"Alright!" Gwen said and turned it on

(You can pick the first or second one)

Time skip; brought to you by a physcho masochist introvert 😊

We were about 50 minutes into the movie, Griffin had jumped and gotten scared of every ghost encounter and fell asleep grabbing onto my shirt and his head buried in my chest

Everyone had also moved onto the floor to get a better view

Gwen sat next to Billy, Griffin was asleep in my lap, I was sitting next to Robin, and Bruce was sitting in Vance's lap with Vance's head resting on the top of his

I also don't know when, but me and Robin had our fingers intertwined. I don't know when it happened, but I'm definitely not complaining

Time skip; I feel like it, I'm adding too many time skips cuz I'm lazy and I hope it's pissing you off :]

The movie had ended and Bruce and Gwen had already fallen asleep

"It's already 11 so we should get to sleep" Vance stated

"Yeah," Robin agreed while pulling the giant ass blanket off the couch

"Here, let's move closer together" Billy said

We all agreed and Vance scooted himself and Bruce closer to me and Robin and Billy picked up Gwen and did the same

We were all now huddled up together while leaning on the couch, still in the floor

It was pretty quiet, the only noise being from when someone would move and the wind blowing outside

Dad also checked on us at some point, he wasn't really amused by our plan and went back to sleep in his room

The others had already fallen asleep, or so I thought

Vance was still awake..

I couldn't exactly fall asleep so I just looked at the ceiling

"You can't sleep, either?" Vance said

That kinda startled me tbh, I then took my focus to him

"Yeah, I haven't really tried to fall asleep though, I keep zoning out" I replied

"Hmm" Vance hummed and leaned his head back

"Here, consider yourself special." Vance stated, grabbing my hand (friend wayy)

He wasn't really holding my hand, but also kinda was

He was rubbing the center of my palm with his thumb, but still had a grip on my hand

And it wasn't an uncomfortable grip, it genuinely calmed my mind down tbh

And not soon after that, we were both asleep



I was expecting that to be short bus ig not

I went to the doctors today and they had to draw my blood 💉

It wasn't one of those butterfly needles either, they just went for it, AND I'M TINYYYYY


It genuinely looked like she took half the blood outta my arm

It looked cool tho, I watched the thing fill with blood

My arm was all shaky and shit afterwards though, but she gave me orange juice and some peanut butter crackers soooooooooo

I also spent 50 minutes trying to get an earring through my left ear, tf

It wouldn't go through the back, my ear started bleeding a little :'<


I'm tired af

So I'mma go to sleep

Remember, love yourself! Don't try and reach for other's expectations!

If their expectations are high, they're literal shit.

And listen, if you need to cuss yourself out on a daily to try and properly process emotions, go for it! That's what I do

But I'm awesome soooooooooo

And sorry I had a delay on uploading, I was flooded with homework and shit

Anyways, bye! Take care

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