2 || digging in the horto

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there he was.




the man, the myth, the legend.

lucius caecilius lucundus.

his toga was off.

his muscles were shining under the dim afternoon sun.

grumio had to double take to stop himself from drooling.

caecilius was digging.

in the horto!!!!!

grumio walked up. only real men make the first move.

"hello master,"

caecilius turned to face him. his shiny ginger hair stuck to his face, making grumio's poor heart beat 50 times faster.

"salve!! dear grumio!! what brings you to my horto?"

grumios daddy (caecilius and his actual father) always taught him to be honest. nows not the time.

"i-i-i wanted to see you! your favourite peacock soup is ready!" grumio stuttered then turned away. his face looked like metella's ugly bright red toga.

"not today grumio, I'm low on money. that's why im digging in my super secret money stasher. metella had bought too many tunics for her slutty friends. they do nothing but gossip. they aren't as hard working as you, grumio. you're an honest man with a pure heart."

grumio took a minute to register that.

he got complemented.

by his master.

his future daddy.

a new spark has been lit in grumio's heart.

caecilius x grumioWhere stories live. Discover now