Cinderella Twisted Ending

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Cinderella is a young teenage girl, who was enslaved by her step-mother and two step-sisters after her father passed away.

On a fateful night, the prince announced a grand ball in
order to hunt a princess.

As predicted, Cinderella was prohibited to attend said ball due to her being "unfit" to be a royal, unlike her step-sisters.

Hence, her fairy godmother steps up and grants Cinderella her wish to attend the ball with a curfew of midnight when the magic wears out and turns back to its original state.

Fast forward to a little before midnight,
Cinderella was having the time of her life since the prince had taken a liking in her and had
spent the whole evening together.

Sadly, Cinderella had to flee when the clock hit twelve
o'clock, accidentally leaving behind one of her glass heals. And that was how the prince was able to locate the love of his life.

What if the shoe fits two instead of one? What if it wasn't a
happily ever after? Sometimes, lies may be better than truth... or is it?


The prince and his general went from house to house making every girl in the kingdom try
on the heal that was left behind by the mystery girl from the ball. After visiting thirty-seven houses, the glass heal finally fit someone!

She had short brown locks, pretty hazel eyes with
golden specks, a cute button nose, and a cute petite frame. She, Ophelia, also had beautiful freckles adoring her face and nose.

Prince Henry was overjoyed after finding the "girl of his dreams" and immediately ordered his general to start the preparations for the wedding, in addition to sending invitations to the whole kingdom.

Once the news reached the Tremaine family, Cinderella was furious that another girl had dared to pretend to be her and steal prince Henry away from her!

So, like any normal, sane, rational person would do, Cinderella planned Ophelia's murder.

That night, after everyone went to bed, Cinderella made her way to Ophelia's house knowing she lived by herself.

Before arriving to her destination, the fairy godmother stopped Cinderella in a dark alley way and tried to reason with her and tried to make Cinderella rethink the decision of killing Ophelia, but blinded by rage, Cinderella snatches the fairy's magic wand —which is unusually and dangerously sharp— and stabs it through the poor godmother's heart, killing her.

Cleaning the blood off of herself using the magic from the deceased fairy godmother's wand, Cinderella resumed her walk to Ophelia's estate.

Cinderella knew she needed to be smart about this so, using the magic wand, she produced an insanely sharp and sturdy knife made of obsidian, knowing it would be her best bet in successfully executing her plan.

Then she created a hypodermic needle full of Methohexital, being aware of the fact that it would knock Ophelia out for five to ten minutes, giving her enough time to restrain her properly.

She also fabricated a braided nylon rope, a gag, and some nitrile gloves.

Smiling creepily, Cinderella put on the gloves and teleported herself inside Ophelia's house not forgetting to set a spell that turned the house soundproof, making sure that everything that was about to happen would stay between the house's walls.

Cinderella held onto the needle carefully as she made her way towards the bedroom, presuming that's where Ophelia would reside at this time of night.

It seemed as if 'luck' was on Cinderella's side, because as she opened the bedroom door, Ophelia was sound asleep with no care in the world.

Slowly and steadily, Cinderella approached her and injected the Methohexital into the unexpected girl's neck knowing that it would render her
unconscious. Moving onto the second part of her plan, Cinderella tied the unconscious corpse onto a chair and placed the gag firmly onto Ophelia's mouth.

Now, all that Cinderella had to do was wait for Ophelia to gain consciousness to begin the "fun" part of her plan.

Eight minutes later, Ophelia stirred awake not yet understanding what had happened to her. Knowing that Ophelia would be unresponsive for another few minutes, Cinderella decided to finally execute her plan. Cinderella wanted to make Ophelia's death as long, painful and tortuous as possible, and knowing that being skinned alive doesn't kill nearly as quickly as one would think.

When done carefully the victim may not die of blood loss, or shock, but rather hypothermia. For this reason, that is exactly what Cinderella did.

She carefully took the obsidian knife and ran it across Ophelia's semi-responsive body effectively making the poor girl scream in agony.

After successfully skinning Ophelia, without killing her, Cinderella then gouges the girl's eyes out to later turn them into leanses and not forgetting to carve the girl's heart out and starts eating it.

She then uses the magic wand to make a replica of Ophelia's hair and turns it into a wig as well as
turning the skin into a body suit so she could use it as a disguise to be able to marry her prince.

On the day of the wedding, Cinderella woke up extra early to make sure that the skin suit and wig looked as realistic as possible and used the magic wand for the finishing touches as well as making the whole kingdom— including the royal family— believe she was Ophelia.

And being aware of the fact that the spell's effects would wear off every twenty-four hours, she made sure to recast the spells every single day, successfully living the rest of her life married to prince Henry.


i changed the layout a bit to fit into the 'wattpad format' so it'd be easier to read :)

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