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The next day, Y/N was sat in her room, staring out the window as raindrops pelted against the glass. The sound of the rain seemed to match the rhythm of her thoughts, as she relived the events of that fateful night.

She saw her parents fighting with three men, yelling, and who were later found dead in their apartment. She remembered the panic that had set in when one of them turned his attention to her, and the cold fury that had consumed her when they killed her parents.

The memory was vivid, and Y/N could
feel her heart racing as she watched the
scene play out in her mind's eye. She
could see herself grabbing the knife and
stabbing the men, one by one, as they
tried to overpower her. Her hands cold, and her movements precise as she took their lives. Stopping a moment to look at the masterpiece Infront of her.

The girl shuddered at the memory, but she knew that it had to be faced.
As she sat there, lost in thought, she heard a knock at the door.

It was Hannibal. He had a way of making her feel uneasy, with his piercing gaze and unnerving presence
Y/N welcomed the distraction, however, and let him in.
The blond man sat down across from her, watching her closely. She could tell that he was studying her, looking for signs of guilt or remorse. Y/N remained calm, however, as she knew that she couldn't reveal the truth.

As soon as they started a semblance of conversation , Y/N could feel her façade slipping. The memory of that night was too strong, and the guilt was eating away at her. She knew that she couldn't keep up the façade forever, but she knew what would happen if the truth came out.

Hannibal smiled. "You're a very interesting girl, Y/N" , he said. "You have a depth of insight that is quite rare."

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Hannibal chuckled. "Indeed it is," he said. "I find your perspective on the world quite intriguing."

She looked at him with the same intensity that made Hannibal shift in his place.

"What about your perspective on the world, Dr. Lecter?" she asked. "What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror?"

A smirk appeared on his face as he considered her question.

"I see a man who is both predator
and prey, a man who understands the
nature of the human condition."

The girl nodded slowly, as if trying to understand his words.
"And do you ever worry that maybe one day the predator will consume the prey?"

Hannibal smiled, but it did not reach his ears. "I have no fear of that, Y/N," he
said. "l am in control of my nature."

Y/N continued to watch him, her eyes
seeming to bore into his very soul. And
Hannibal wondered what secrets lay
hidden behind those piercing eyes.

"Tell me, Y/N," he said, "what kind of parents did you have?"

She tried to hide her emotions and
replied, "They were good parents, i
suppose. They provided for me what i needed" she lied.

Hannibal could sense that there was
more to the story, and pressed her
further. "And how did they treat you? I expect they showed you their love and affection?"

Y/N's facade began to crack, and her
voice shook as she spoke. "They were
not always happy" she admitted. "There were times when..." Hannibal leaned forward, his gaze intent on her. "They hurt you ?" he finished for her.

𝔘𝔫𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔰  - Hannibal Lecter x reader Where stories live. Discover now