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In the darkest corners of the world, where light fears to tread and shadows dance upon the walls, there used to live a young girl unlike any other.

Her name was Y/N, and she was saint
and sinner, depending on who you asked.

Some say that she was born into a world
of pain and suffering, destined to walk a
path of darkness from the moment she
took her first breath.

Others believed that she was a product of her environment, shaped by the cruel and unforgiving world in which she lived. But Y/N knew the truth, and it was far more complex than anyone could ever imagine.

For days, she had wandered through
the white walls of the psychiatric hospital where she stayed---kept against her will, haunted by the ghosts of her past and tormented by the demons of her present.
She had seen things that no one should ever have, and done things that no one should ever have to do.

At the moment, her mind was filled with thoughts that would make even the most hardened of souls weep.

She pondered the purpose of existence, wondering if there was any point to all the pain and suffering.

'why don't i just end it here and now'

'why do i cling to this life that for now only treated me like a piece of shit'.

'should i-'

Three steady knocks on her room's door drew her attention, she was sat in her bed as two men entered her room.

The shorter man cleared his throat nervously and spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Miss Y/L/N. I'm Agent Will Graham, from FBl"

he showed her his ID card, the guy seemed distrurbed, his eyes only very so often meeting hers. His curly brown hair was messily dressed, his face pall and his eyes were dark from obvious lack of sleep

"And This is Dr. Hannibal Lecter, he'll be your psychiatrist from now on" he continued, signaling to the man behind who looked all the opposite of him, he was tall, his blond hair perfectly dressed and his beige suit was neat and looked expensive.

Y/N looked at them both warily, her eyes scanning the room for any possible escape routes. She had been caught off guard by their sudden appearance, and she didn't-----wouldn't trust either of them.

Will continued, "We're here to ask you
some questions about the murders that took place in your house. Three men found dead, along side your parents and you're the only survivor."

The girl's face remained blank as she
listened to Will's words. She knew that they will eventually find her fingerprints on the murder weapon, but she wasn't about to reveal anything to them. She was too smart for that.

"I don't remember anything," she said
calmly, perfectly playing the role of the victim, her voice devoid of emotion.

Will looked at her skeptically, but
Hannibal stepped forward. "Memory is a fickle thing," he said smoothly. "Perhaps we can help you jog yours"

Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine at
the sound of his voice. There was
something about him that made her
uneasy, something that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

She remained silent as Will and Hannibal questioned her, their voices laced with frustration due to the situation. But no matter what they asked, she remained tight-lipped, giving only slight descriptions of what happened but always stopped when it came to how the three men died.

The storyline seemed plausible to the two men, as it followed what Will had seen when analysing the crime scene but it missed something, something crucial.

Seeing the tired look on the girl's face, the interview drew to a close, and Y/N knew that she had to escape from their paws for now. She didn't know what would happen next, but she knew that she was prepared for whatever came her way.

As Will and Hannibal left the room Y/N sat alone in the darkness, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions. She knew that she was in deep trouble but she also knew that she was smart enough to get herself out of it
For a moment, she wondered if Hannibal had seen through her facade, if he knew the darkness that lay beneath her surface.

But then she shook her head, dismissing the thought. No one could ever truly understand her, and she was content to keep it that way.

As the men left the hospital they walked in silence down the dimly-lit hallway. Hannibal's eyes were fixed on the floor, lost in thought, while Will kept glancing over his shoulder, as if he expected something to jump out at them.

Finally, Will spoke up. "l don't trust that girl," he said bluntly.

Hannibal raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" he asked, his voice calm and detached

"Something about her just doesn't add
up," Will replied. "I think she's hiding

Hannibal's lips curled into a small smile.
"Everyone is hiding something, Will," he said.

"The question is, what is she hiding?"

Will glared at him, but didn't say anything more. He didn't know who Hannibal truly was, the was he always had a reply on everything left Will deconcentrated but he knew that he needed his help in solving the case.

As they drove to the FBI headquarters,
Will filled Hannibal in on the details of the case.

"We found five bodies in the apartment," he said. "Y/N's parents and three others, all male mid-twenties. stabbed to death." Hannibal nodded, his eyes fixed on the road.

"What did the autopsy reveal?" he asked.

"We're about to find out," will concluded, as they pulled into the parking lot.

Inside the building, they were met by
Jack Crawford, the head of the FBI's
Behavioral Science Unit. Who led them down a series of sterile hallways, until they reached the autopsy room the place where Will was unfortunately too used to.

The stench of death hit them as soon as
they walked in. The bodies were laid out
on metal slabs, their skin pale and
lifeless. Jack felt his stomach turn at the

One of the technicians handed them a
file, detailing the results of the autopsy
The cause of death was exsanguination,
she said, her voice monotone.

"All were stabbed multiple times in the chest and abdomen." Hannibal leaned in for a closer look, his eyes scanning the pages of the report.
"Interesting," he said softly. "Were the internal organs damaged?" He asked a smirk planted on his face.

"Yes, the murderer didn't miss them. They're on deplorable state" she told him to his dissatisfaction

"What is this stuff?" Asked Will pointing at the substance in the cuts of one of the men. None of the technicians answered no one payed attention to it.
"I would like to run some tests on it" he cleared his throat.

Jack nodded, looking grave. "Whatever it takes to solve this case," he said.

As they left the autopsy room, Will
couldn't shake the feeling of unease that
had settled over him. He knew that
something was not right about this case,
and he was determined to get to the
bottom of it, no matter what.

1222 words


A/N : heyyyy i hope this chapter was good enough, it's my first ever 'real' story i usually only write one-shots. The updates may not be frequent, i'm currently struggling with exams but i'll do my best!

If you have any remarks please lemme know i'll read everything<3

𝔘𝔫𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔰  - Hannibal Lecter x reader Where stories live. Discover now