Only if you want to be

501 14 11

Y/n's POV

I slept for most of the weekend, not getting out of bed. My mom was sober again, or at least sober enough to recognize her daughter. I didn't text Hunter. Although I had been pretty drunk, I meant everything I said to him and I don't think he got that.

So on Monday morning when I had to go back to school, I was dreading seeing him. I thought about skipping so I wouldn't have to see him until I realized that wouldn't be very metal. So I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I sighed as I grabbed my bag and guitar and walked to school.

I quickly walked through the halls keeping my head down until I got to period one. I sat down in my seat, Hunter sitting down in the chair next to me where we sat a few days prior. "Hey." He said.

"Hey." I barely turned towards him.

"You ready for today?"

"What?" I made eye contact with him.

He opened his mouth to say more when our teacher walked to the front of the room and began speaking. "Good morning class! As you all know, today you'll be presenting your duets that you've been working on in front of everyone."

Oh shit.

My stomach sank. I hadn't remembered. I was fully prepared to play the song, what I wasn't prepared for was to play it with him. I took a couple deep breaths.

"Hunter and Y/n, why don't you start for us?"

Great, just my luck. We both got up and set up our guitars and the track.

We played through For Whom the Bell Tolls, neither of us missing a single note. There was a small round of applause when we finished and we took our seats once more. I tried not to look at Hunter for the rest of class as everyone else played their songs. Well, I tried and failed to not look, only to see he was already looking at me. I didn't even know where I stood with him anymore.

The bell finally rang for second period and I hastily grabbed my things and left the classroom. "Y/n!" Hunter called me from a few paces behind.

I took a breath, closing my eyes for a second before turning around. "Yeah?"

"We're good right?" He asked, what looked like genuine worry shone in his eyes. I held back a sigh.

"Yes Hunter, we're good."

"What you said the other night..."

I moved my eyes to the floor.

"Did you mean it?"

"Maybe, Hunter. Maybe I meant it, maybe I was drunk. Does it matter now?" I began to walk away.

"It does matter! Because if you meant it I want that with you." I froze where I stood.


My breathing became shallow.

Oh my god.

I turned around. I looked into his blue eyes as I walked a few paces forward until I was right in front of him.


He smiled slightly. "Yes, really. I really like you Y/n, I have since you got here."

"I want to kiss you so bad right now." I said, almost under my breath.

"What's stopping you?"

All the other people here would. But then I looked away from Hunter's eyes and looked around the hallway. It was deserted. Everyone else must have gotten to class. I looked back to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

It was like my body was on fire when his lips met mine. His hands moved to my waist as he kissed me. We pulled away a few moments later. Butterflies danced through my body, my hands were shaking the tiniest bit.

"You wanna get out of here?" He asked, his hands still on my waist.

"Fuck yes." I grinned as we turned and walked to his car.

As we walked he slipped his hand into mine. It was warm and a bit rough, calloused from years of guitar. I felt my cheeks get warm as I glanced up at him when we got to the car. We got in and he handed me his phone. "You choose." He smiled as he started the engine. I put Bring Me the Horizon on shuffle as we headed for his house.

We got inside and went to his room. He took a few steps towards me, running his hand through my hair. "You have gorgeous eyes, you know?" I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks.

"Says you."

He laughed a little before leaning in and kissing me again. Once more, butterflies danced through my body from my lips to my toes. He looped his fingers through the belt loops of my jeans, pulling me closer to him as his lips moved with mine.

"Does this make me your girlfriend now?" I asked as we pulled away.

He paused for a second before replying, smiling. "Only if you want to be."

"Of fucking course I want to be."

"So does that make me your boyfriend then?"

"Only if you want to be." I smirked.

He laughed again, walking over to his CD player. He slid in a slipknot album and walked back over to me.

"Okay I've been meaning to ask you," he said as we sat down on his couch, "Skullflower has a show in a few days, do you want to come?"

"Yes! Oh my god yes! My boyfriend is in a metal band of course I want to come to your show." I leaned into him and he put his arm around me.

"I'm so happy about this, you know?"


"Yeah. I mean, you're the coolest girl I've ever met. I kind of can't believe this is happening right now." He picked up the remote and scrolled through Netflix.

"I can't either, to be honest." I smiled as I focused on the feeling of his arm around me. I leaned into him, his warmth comforting. I looked up at him, his blue eyes looking back at me; his deep blue eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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