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(Still Hunter's pov)

She got up from the couch and rummaged through her bag, taking out a smaller bag. "I'm gonna fix my makeup and then should we go?"

"Sounds good." I said as she walked into the bathroom. As if she needed to fix her makeup. She was effortlessly pretty, the way a sunset or the ocean was. A couple minutes later she came out again and said, "You ready?"

"Yeah," I said, sliding my phone into my back pocket as I stood up. We walked up and out of my house to the car and I started the engine.

Everyone seemed to have gotten to the party before us as it was packed. Clay's band was playing *poorly* in the middle of his living room when we got there. "Stay here, I'll grab us drinks," I said to Y/n who nodded before leaning against the hallway wall and unlocking her phone. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed her a beer along with a water for myself.


I turned around to see Kevin walking over to me. "Hey, what's up," I smiled as he came closer.

"Glad you made it. Is Y/n here?"

"Yeah she's just this way, come on." We walked back over to where she was and I handed her the beer.

"Hey Kevin," she said, taking the plastic cup from me. She downed half of it as Kevin replied with a "Hey."

She drank down the rest of what was in the cup before saying, "Hunter can you show me where the drinks are? I want to get something stronger." I raised my eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah totally," We both started heading towards the kitchen, "See you later Kevin." He waved as we walked off.

We got to the kitchen and she poured herself a shot. She tilted her head back as she took it, quickly pouring herself another one. As she went for her third, I pulled the tequila away from her and said, "You should slow down a bit, we only just got here."

"You're right." She sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter next to me. We stood in silence for the duration of two songs, us both unsure of what to say.

"You know, I've been thinking about something and it's been bothering me." Her words broke the air between us. I loved the way she spoke. Every word she said, she said like she meant it; like she planned out everything she was going to say in advance. Although now as the alcohol was kicking in, I could hear her speech slur a bit.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"When we went to the movies, you said it was a date. You were asking me out." She kept facing forward, her eyes directly ahead. My stomach sunk a little. I had really hoped I hadn't made things weird between us with that. She was right, I had asked her out and she didn't want that. But why would she bring it up again now?

"And then I said I just wanted to go as friends," she said another few moments later. This time as she spoke, I could tell she was more than a bit drunk. "I think I made a mistake." She took another few seconds, "I think you're so cool and pretty and I wanted it to be a date and I don't know why I just said to go as friends." Finally, she turned to look at me, her soft eyes meeting mine. "I wanted to go out with you."

I could feel my heart speeding up and once more it felt like the first time I talked to her. I was nervous. She made me nervous. "Do you... still feel that way?" I asked slowly.

She looked at me for a bit, as if she was studying my eyes before she answered, "I think I do," she said but my heart sank a bit as she did.

"How drunk are you right now," I said more as a statement than a question. She was drunk. Drunk enough that through this whole conversation it might have been the alcohol talking and not her.

She didn't answer, instead turning towards the counter again and taking another shot. I sighed. For the last few days those words were all I wanted her to say- and now she'd said them and I couldn't trust in it. "I think that's enough for tonight," I said, once more taking the bottle from her and placing it out of her reach this time.

"Fine," she pouted a bit as the band started another song. She looked past me to where they were playing. "I want to dance," she said. She sounded like she even surprised herself as she said it. Nonetheless, she walked past me towards the band and started to dance. Badly. She was one of the worst dancers I'd ever seen. And my god, it was adorable.

She grinned as she twirled around, bouncing to the rhythm. "Hunter come dance!" She said to me, becoming for me to come over.

"I don't dance," I laughed, walking over to her, "especially not to this music."

"Oh come on! Dance with me," she beamed as I shook my head once more. She accepted it, dancing in front of me until the song ended. She clapped and cheered until the band started a new song. "Can we go? I'm tired." I nodded, grabbing her arm to steady her as she wobbled a bit on her feet. She leaned against me as we walked out of the party and back to my car. I helped her into the passenger seat before getting in myself. I started the engine and was about to reverse when she said, "You know," she leaned in towards me, "you're the prettiest boy I've ever met."

My body filled with butterflies as my heart beat faster. I smiled and she continued, "See! I love your smile." She brushed my hair back from my face. Her eyes poured into mine before darting to my lips, then back up. She leaned in to kiss me- and how I wanted to kiss her. For days it's been occupying my mind- how soft her lips would be; how she'd taste-

I pulled back. "Y/n, you're really drunk right now." She looked at me, an almost hurt look in her eyes. My chest tightened. "I can't do this while you're drunk that's not fair to you."

She turned away, sitting all the way back in her seat. "Can you drive me home please?" She asked, not looking at me.

"Of course."


I blew it.

But I knew it wasn't right. I didn't want this to be how it started. It needed to be real for both of us.

I drove her back to her house, walking her to her door. "You gonna be okay?" I asked as she unlocked her door.

"Yeah. Thanks for driving me." She said, walking inside as I nodded. "Goodnight Hunter," she made eye contact with me for the first time since we left, "I'm sorry for all of that."

"Don't be. Goodnight Y/n, text me in the morning so I know you're okay." She nodded her head yes as she closed the door. I walked back to my car and drove home.

I tried not to think about her as I waited for sleep to take me. It was harder than it sounds, however. She had already made a home in my headspace and she wouldn't be leaving for a long time to come.

More Metal Than You - Hunter Sylvester x Reader (Metal Lords)Where stories live. Discover now