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I got expelled from another school, surprise right, Ohh Okay I am sorry let me reintroduced myself again, My name is Persephone Jackson, but call me Percy Jackson, I am going to twelve this August, and living in Manhattan, and about my school, Yepp when we went to the Saratoga battlefield, I had this accident with a Revolutionary War cannon. I wasn't aiming for the school bus, but of course I got expelled anyway. It's completely usual for me, if you don't believe me trust me, if you want more proof then here it is, at my fourth-grade school, when we took a behind-the-scenes tour of the Marine World shark pool, I sort of hit the wrong lever on the catwalk and our class took an unplanned swim. Now you get it, this is my record, but there is something, that is unknown from muggles oops I let it slip, okay no more secrets muggle mean non magical people, so yaeh I am Laia Black, a witch attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry in Scotland which is only school I haven't expelled from ...yet, I had completed my first year, this September I am off to Hogwarts again to attend second year. I know that now you're asking me Then why the hell you are attending muggle school when you are attending a school like Hogwarts, a magical school, I know right, but my personal professor, Hecate Olympia have said so, my mum and my godfather Remus had also advised me that muggle education is very important, in very future it will useful, I have no idea how muggle education is important for a witch, but I am attending for their sake .

Through the window I saw owls, they landed with a soft flump on bed, one fell unconscious, at that moment, we can who he belongs to, his name was Errol, and he belongs to the Weasley family, another one is mine, My Fed, I sent him to deliver a letter to Hermione, one of my best friend from Hogwarts, who always have my back no matter what, I dashed to the bed, untied the cords around Errol's legs, took off the letter from Ron, my another best friend from Hogwarts more like protective brother, and then I carried Errol to Fed's cage. Errol opened one bleary eye, gave a feeble hoot of thanks, and began to gulp some water. Then I took off the letter from Fed as well, it's a reply letter from Hermione, First I unfold Ron's letter

"Dear Laia,

How is your muggle school, or did you got expelled already"

What an understanding friend, yep Ron I got expelled

"I still got no idea, why are you attending muggle school but who I am to ask Miss. Potion prodigy, but I hope you still have time for us, don't overstress yourself, get some rest, we all know about your potential, so don't let the muggles get you down .Harry still didn't reply to any of our letter, I really thinking of going to London and meet him, do you think that his uncle lock him and not letting him to have any means to communicate with us. Laia, if your muggle school is over, can you make it to Burrow, Mum asked me to invite you. Fred and George said that they want to have their pranking partner back soon, and I can say they miss you more than anything, I don't know how did you make them like this, and they want a novel worth story how you blown another school (but I really think, please don't tell them, we want Hogwarts as she is). Okay Take care and See you soon Miss you.

With Love,


OMG Ron, what a understanding friend you are, yep, I blown up another school, but I'm really sorry, I want to tell the story to Gred and Feorge, since I don't want to miss out all the fun. About Harry, what's up with you bro, why are you not replying to any of our letter, I think I have to have a word with Remus about you, there is something fishy, and about Burrow, it would be fun in Burrow, but I really want to stay with my mum even if it includes to put up with smelly Gabe, let me think about that. Moving to Hermione letter, it reads:

"Dear Laia,

How is your school going? Have you got any friends yet, does your dyslexia disturbs you with your studies, don't let it win over you, try your level best, that's enough, remember you got your place in Hogwarts, does harry replied you, he isn't, right, what happened to him, do you think, his uncle block our letters from reaching him, It's just I thought so... Let's wait and see, don't worry, he will manage it, By the way, are you going to burrow, Ron told me, that he's going to invite you, he invited me, but I don't think I going to make it, but we will meet in Diagon alley, Take care, we will meet very soon.

With love


I don't think I found any difference in both Ron and Hermione letters, they got so many similarities, but which is also happen to only thing(according to them) both disagree, You know, they both are sweet and caring and all, especially they care about each other, they will understand one day, as for me, I am going home, wow sweet little time with smelly Gabe, that's what I really look forward, but on bright side, I am going to spend some healthier time with my mum, while I am thinking about how I am going spend my remaining summer, Through the window I saw owl, and surprise it's from Ced, Cedric is my Hufflepuff Senior, who helped me in my academics, not just a senior, but my secret best friend, who understands me, be with me no matter what, I opened his letters and it reads:

Hey Bravey,

What's up, everything alright, have blown up your muggle school yet? If you did, Don't worry I am proud of you, don't be shocked, If you got expel from your muggle school then you got more time to complete your summer homework, don't you, I would be difficult to concentrate both, I get it, but you can do this, but don't hesitate to ask me for help(I mean not only in academics, you know, you can ask me anything), And I am really eager to listen to your new story of how you got expelled, tell me when we see each other, you know what, I want to thank you in advance for giving me a worthy story of how you blown up each and every school, you are going break the Fred and George record, I am waiting to meet you (and for your story...) see you soon, Take care.

Your Casanova


What I have ever done to have a friend like you, Ced, sure I will tell you when we meet again, I am really missing Hogwarts and all my friends, Harry, Ron, Neville, Hermione, Ced, oh my god, I want to go back soon, Even I got so many letters but not from one I really expected, Harry, Little bro, what's going on, Are you ok? Be strong, You can do it, remember that, Even if we are not next to you, we are always with you, but I want to meet you, when I am going to meet you, bro, I am really missing you ...

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