Chapter 3

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Next day, when I went to school, I didn't take the limo instead I walked. When I arrived Adrien and his friends were waiting there for me. I approached them and they turned around having a smile. I said "Hey Marinette. I wanted to say sorry for the problems I have caused and all the bullying I have done. I hope you forgive me. And to you too Alya and Nino. Im so sorry. I regret my action now that I have realized how wrong I was." Marinette spoke first "Chloe, Adrien told us how you are determined to change. I forgive from my side Chloe." "Yea dude, I forgive you too." Nino spoke. "Im ready to forgive you IF I get 10 euros in return." Everyone laughs. "Sure I guess.'' I reply all happy. "Welcome to our team girl." Before the class started, I apologized to Mme. Bustier and she forgave me instantly. Next, I went in front of my class and apologized to the class "Hello everyone. I wanted to tell you something. I know what I have done in the past and how much damage I have caused to you guys. I know I can't redo my past mistakes but what I can do is  apologize and change myself. I want to change and that is why I apologize to you guys. I know you will not be able to forget what I have done and I acknowledge that. But I want you to know that you don't need to fear me any longer." The whole class starts murmuring and then Juleka stands and says "I forgive you. And I hope we can be friends." I smile and say "Ofc". The whole class then say that they would love to be my friends and I happily agree. Later that day when I was with my new friends that I made earlier, I old them that I wasn't satisfied  just apologizing. Marinette suggested me that I give them a gift and I decided that it was the best idea and I should do it. I went home and made a list of what to give to everyone. I knew that not only did I owe to my classmates but also my new friends. So I picked gift for them too. Tomorrow's day is going be epic.

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