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The next morning, I woke up with a pair of eyes staring down at me, smiling. I slowy sat up and turn towards Jennie who are still smiling looking at my sleepy face.

"How's your sleep? Do you dream about me?" She said with a big grinned that showing her gummy teeth. The look of her face makes me smile unconscious, match hers.

"I don't have the nightmare again," I said. Jennie look confused as I shake my head, nothing. With a smile still on my face, I stood up and pull her. "Let's get ready," she's chuckle and we get ready.

"Where do we have breakfast?" She ask.

"There's a restaurant that Jackie recommended me to go to" I looked through my luggage, searching for clothes. I turn around to take my phone but the girl smiling girl in front of me still staring into my eyes. "Uhhh, you will go out like that?" She's still in her pajamas.

Jennie look down at her shirt then realized it. "Oh right," she run to bathroom with a sheepish smile.

I shake my head, smile. After I finished getting ready, I sat on the bed looking down at my phone while waiting for her. She's indeed taking so long. I wonder what she do in the there.

I can't remember the last time I felt this happiness. I always thought happiness is not for me but it seems like I still deserve it after what has happened in my life. I look through my luggage then taking out a book. I picked it up then a picture fell down on the floor.  It's a pic of my sister's face looking at the camera with loving eyes. That time I was taking this picture of her.

Behind her is a beach with the sunset. She's look so beautiful here, the way how she's make me froze at that time. I bet if she's still alive, every boys would like to date her.

"My heart is only for you y/n. you don't have to worry."

Her words still clear as the crystal in my mind. Her voice never fade as if she's talking in that tone yesterday.

I lay down, looking at the ceiling. I need to move on. I am indeed missing every part of her, and how I wish she still here. I just wish I could return times again and safe her from my dad. But I could only wish for that. I was still a kid that time, too weak to fight back. Too weak to understand what had happened.

A tears fell down through my cheek. I let it be by closing my eyes. Not this again, I thought. There's something in me wishing every pain will stop hurting. Why is it hard to move on?

I move my hand to wipe away the tears but a hand already on my face. The way it caressed through my cheeks, and wipe all the tears away as I feel a lips on my forehead. It's so warm yet so cold. Probably it's because of the wind from the window I open a few minutes ago.

I open my eyes as I meet with the gentle pair of eyes on me. She caressed my cheeks before helping me to sat up. She didn't say anything but just smile, a gentle smile at me.

How can she smile like. Why she smile like that. Before she's turn away and continue what she's doing. I pull her into my arms. I buried my face on her chest. She still didn't say anything but returned my hug anyway. Like I said, it's so warm yet so cold. I grip hem of her shirt. Then I unconscious sobbing.

The sadness in me, I finally letting it out. The pain in me, out from my heart. I let it out in a sob. I know she understand me. That's why she didn't say anything. Jennie stroke my hair, trying to comfort me. It feels so good. I don't want her to stop doing that.

I just realized it.

I can lied with myself but I cannot lie with my heart. My broken heart finally collide. She picked every piece of my heart and helped to stitch it back together. Making a whole new one.

Would You be mine? { Jennie X Reader }Where stories live. Discover now