15. Astronaut

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So tonight I'm calling all astronauts; All the lonely people that the world forgot - Simple Plan

8:47 a.m. Monday, September 27, 2021

"It's Patrick. I'm really sorry, but I can't meet you tonight. Bernadette added a shift for me, so I have to work. Maybe we can talk after boxing tomorrow? If you're going to be there?"

The voicemail is on his phone when he steps out of the bathroom. There's a plaintive, worried tone to the message, to which Harry feels his heart break a tad. He refuses to be one more adult to disappear from this kid's life.

Quickly, he texts a response, "Looking forward to it. Bring your A game."

But now the day stretches before him with no plans. What to do? If he stays at the All Booked Up one more day reading and trying to win over the damn cat, he's sure to become stir crazy. Since arriving in Nowhere, he hasn't slept more than a few minutes during the night, and the only time he seems capable of sleeping is in the chair in front of the fire. But that's no way to live. Perhaps he should try spending the night in the chair. Would Alison be offended?

More importantly, why can't he sleep?

Although he's been in Nowhere for almost a week, he hasn't explored every shop on Main Street. Maybe today is the day for holiday shopping for his sister and mum? There must be enough quirky places here for him to find whatever he needs.

Pulling on a plain white t-shirt with his baggy jeans, he prepares to set off to Brainwash for a cup of coffee. It's only when he passes the back door of the bakery that he notices the absence of bread scents.


8:47 a.m. Monday, September 27, 2021

"Aunt Chele!" Phoenix is yelling loud enough to be heard three counties over.

Blinking, Michele sits up, her heart pounding. She's been sleeping on the sofa in her brother's bedroom, unable to bring herself to sleep in the bed in the master, and unwilling to go back to her townhouse for the nights.

"What? Is Paige okay?"

Briefly, Phoenix considers torturing her aunt and making something up, but then she takes a close look at the bloodshot eyes with their dark bags underneath.

"She's fine. I just really need a ride this morning. Sorry. My alarm didn't go off, and I'm already late for my first class," the teenager reveals. "Patrick apparently left without waking me. Stupid a-hole."

"Phoenix," Michele warns before her niece joins her in the next word, "Language!" They grin at each other, and it's the first clue that perhaps, just maybe, everything is going to be alright.

Hustling the older sibling to get the younger one out of bed, Michele tells them to meet her in the car.

Yanking on her shoes, the baker is relieved that she's worn her sweat pants to bed. No one will care if she drives Phoenix to school in sweats and an oversized Simple Plan tour hoodie, right? Pausing only to finger-comb her hair into a ponytail, Michele forgets that she's not wearing a bra until they are in her car in the driveway. Oh, well. Not like she's going to get out of the car. Unless she stops for a cup of Lee's amazing coffee.


9:22 a.m. Monday, September 27, 2021

"Dude, you look exhausted." Lee sets down a bowl of hearty oatmeal before climbing into the chair opposite Harry.

Embarrassed, Harry debates how to respond. "Yeah. I know," is what he finally settles on, deciding to be honest with his friend. "And it doesn't make any sense. I'm exhausted every night when I get into bed, but for whatever reason, I just can't sleep."

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