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"I'M SO MAD AT MAYA!"  Moriah groans over the phone
"What did she do?" I ask
"She totally knew that me and brandt had a thing yet she cant fucking shutup about him touching her up, like shutup!!" She groans
"Woah, i swear what the fuck is wrong with that duo?" I say
"I KNOW!" She whines as I laugh
"you still going to the pool party?" I ask
"Yeah, only because alex and that is gonna be there" she says and i can tell shes smiling
"BOOHOO" i yell before slamming the phone onto the reciever. Tomorrow spencer is hosting a pool party and lit everyone i like is coming. Even dustin.
"BABY" maddie says
"HII" i shout as she comes into my room
"Okay come sit up" she says as she sits on my bed
"Yea?" I ask
"So you know how mom was meant to come home for this week?" She says as i nod
"Im sorry she cant come, she has a big job" she says sadly as my heart drops, shes never fucking home. She knows nothing about me anymore
"Oh.. okay" i say as i try and fight tears
"Call me if u need me, im going to rues" she smiles as she hugs me and walks out.
I want life to be normal again. So i call moriah

"Fuck" i mumble as i wipe my flowing tears, guess ill call the next best person
"Hi, you have the long residance, this is dustin" i hear him say
"Dustin, i need you." I sniffle
"Ma wassup?" He says concerned
"Can you come round?" I ask
"Yeah, im getting my shoes on" he says as i hear ruffling in the background
"Thank you dusty" i sniffle as he hums
"Ill be round in five, see ya" he says as i end the line. His house is only 2 minutes away, what could he be doing? I ask to myself as i cry more. Soon after i hear a knock on my door, i run down to see dustin with snacks in his hands
"Whats up?" He asks softly as i hug him, making him place the things on the counter nearby and hugs me back
"Are you okay?" He mumbles as i shake my head no and he sits me on the couch
"Tell me whats wrong, ill listen" he says as i nod and cuddle into him
"I dont know my mom anymore, ever since i lost my dad shes been off on work trips back to back and i never see her anymore. I only have maddie" i sob
"I will always be here for you, you know that right?" He says and i nod
"Then its okay, your mom will always love you, shes just busy you know?" He reassures as i laugh
"I love you" i mumble as i hug him
"I love you more" he says back as we both lay on the couch. Soon enough, i end up dozing off, him following shortly after.

"Oh my god awhh" i hear people say
"Shush you will wake them!" I manage to recognise who was maddie saying
"Thats so cute" someone says as i raise my head and rub my eyes
"Shit!" Maddie whispers as they all run out
"Dustin, dustin!" I whisper as i shake the boy
"Hmm?" He says as he rubs his eyes
"Get up" i whisper as he sits up
"I was having a good sleep!" He whines
"Shutup!" I laugh
"You feeling better now?" He asks and i nod
"Thank you dustin" i smile
"Your welcome carmen" he says back as he kisses me, AM I DREAMING? We pull away after like 5 seconds and i smile at him
"Are you going round spencers tomorrow?" I ask
"Yeah" he shrugs
"Meet you there?" I ask
"Meet you there" he replies as he gets his shoes on
"Later ma" he smiles
"Bye dustin" i smile as i hug him and he walks out
"AWWW THAT WAS SO SWEET, YALL WERE LIKE CUDDLING AND SHII" rue says as she jumps round the hallway with bb
"GOALS GOALS GOALS GOALS!" Bb yells as i laugh
"Anyways, whats happening round spencers" rue raises her eyebrows
"Pool party" i smile
Bb says
"NO YOU WILL GET THE TEENS HIGH!" Rue says as maddie walks out
"Whos supervising who's party?" She asks
"Theres a pool party that carmen is going to and i wanna supervise it" bb says
"NO YOU WILL GET KIDS HIGH!" Maddie immediately says making me laugh
"Okay nobody supervise it" i laugh as they nod
"OkY its tomorrow remember!" I say as they nod and i go up to my room to finish studying
Soon enough i doze off, AGAIN.

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