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"PASS THIS TO CARMEN" sam whispers
"Pass this to carmen"
"Pass this to carmen"
"Pass this to carmen"
"Here carmen"
I open it


I scoff and write back

- c.p'

"Pass this to sam" i whisper
"Pass this to sam"
"Pass this to sam"
"Pass this to sam"
"Here sam"

And suddenly its passed back to me

'Kk. 2NIGHT AT 5'

I smile, i obviously have to ask dustin and mo and brandt first but you know its okay.
"YOU ARE DISMISSED" miss says as we all leave the class and i look to find moriah
"Hi" she jumps behind me
"Momo we were invited to watch wild things with sam and dis and dat" i ask as we walk to phys ed
"Yeah?" She says
"And i asked if we could bring dustin and brandt and sam said yes" i chuckle
"OH MY GOD CARMENN" she whines
"What? We can joke the whole time to piss off the nerds" i laugh
"I heard annas going with brenden" mo whispers as we enter the soccer field
"Remember last time anna kicked a ball" i say, referencing to the first day
"HAAAHAA" moriah laughs
"That was too funny shush" moriah says as we just stand there 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️.
"whats maya doing?" I whisper as maya is trying to show up to the soccer boys
"HA" moriah laughs as anna waves to brendan who is using his HAND to keep the ball out
"PLAY THE GAME PROPERLY NERD" i shout as he holds the middle finger up to me
"MISS DID YOU SEE THAT? Im gonna cry" i say as i fan my eyes
"Dont be dramatic miss perez, you have swore hundreds of times in this class" she says
"Thats so false!" I scoff
"Just sit it put you two" she says, referring to me and mo
"WHAT DID I DO!" Moriah whines as i laugh and go to sit on a bench
"We know your gonna create problems so you may aswell just sit" she says
"Racism" mo scoffs

"SHIT" i yell as people gasp and moriah laughs
I see sam
"SORRY" he shouts as i get up and run at him
"YOU FUCKING CUNT I WILL KILL YOU" i yell as i chase him when someone grabs me. Its dustin
"Calm down, you good?" He asks as my nose is bleeding
"Take her to medical dustin!" Miss shouts as i scoff
"I can take myself!" I yell as he just drags me
"UNCONSENTFUL!" I shout as he laughs
"Anyways hi" i say as i hold my bleeding nose while he gets tissues
"Hi" he smiles as he hands me them
"Sam wants ne to come watch wild things wit him and his wierdass group" i say
"Well ur not going without me" he says
"I wasnt gonna" i smile
"Also moriahs coming so ask brandt if he wants to come aswell" i smile as i wipe my nose
"I feel like dying" i whine
"Now you know how i felt" he laughs
"We dont talk about that time" i laugh
"Anyways, want me to walk wit u to brendens place?" He asks
"Yeah but my sosters friends are staying the week so be prepared" i laugh
"See you carmen" he says
"See you Dustin" i say as i quickly kiss him and walk back to the soccer field
"HEY" i smile at moriah who looks bored outta her mind
"THANK EVERYTHING UR BACK" she smiles as she pulls me into a hug
"Dustins coming i dont know bout brandt tho" i say
"Okay" she smiles

"BRANDTS COMING" she yells to me over the phone as im getting ready in
"SLAY" i smile
"Okay ill see you there love" i say
"Bye carmen" i say as i end the line. Suddenly i hear screams and squeals, fuck dustins here
"Hi dustin!" Maddie says as i put my air forces on. I was wearing jeans and a long sleeve top, i spray perfume on my before walking downstairs to see all of maddies friends talking to him
"Hi dustin" i smile as i hug him
"Hi carmen" he hugs me back
"AAAAWWW" rue yells
"This is lonely, i need a boyfriend" bb says. I fucking love bb
"Dont be wierd. How are you dustin" maddie asks
"Im good thank you" he says
"Hes nicer then nate" rue says
"Rue shut the fuck up" maddie says
"You ready to go?" He asks as i nod
"Okay im going now. Bye mads" i hug my sister
"Bye hun" she says as i wave and leave
"Sorry about them, they are probably all high" i sigh as he laughs
"Nah they seem like nice people" he smiles
"They really arent but thanks" i smile
"You look beautiful" he says
"Aww thanks dustin" i smile as we approach the tooler household
"Hi guys" sam says as we walk in, i flick his forehead
"Loser" i say
"Shush" he adds
"MORIAH" i say as i see her sitting there boredly
"CARMEN" she says as i run and hug her
"I dont wanna watch this movie" she whispers
"Same" i whisper back. We all sit down and i sit on the floor next to dustin when brendens cousin richard starts going over the film
"BOOHOO" i shout
"JUST START THE GOD DAMN FILM NERD" mo shouts as he looks away and plays the movie
About five minutes into the movie it starts to get.. you know
"Psst" i hear and i turn to see richard
"What?" I say
"Brenden wants to hookup with anna. Spread it" he says as brenden gets up
"Dusty" i whisper
"Sup" he replies
"Brenden wants to hookup with anna. Spread it" i say as he nods and whispers to brandt
"Oh my god na, he wants to hookup with u go!" Maya says to her friend who is panicking quite clearly
"Come with me" anna says
"Let her go by herself!" Sams hoe says
"SHES GOING TO! Just shutup and let the girl panic" i say as dustin chuckles
"Okay jeez" sam says
"Sam who was speaking to you? Im gonna zaBLOWski ur ass out the window" i say as moriah bursts out laughing. Anna leaves the room as i cover my eyes
"Why did i agree to this my eyes are burning" i say
"SHUSH" sam and richard say
"We all get it! Your horny fucks!" I say as moriah laughs
"Dustin stop!" I say as i cover his eyes
"I wasnt looking, brandt is tho" he says as i look up to see brandts eyes locked to the screen
"BRANDT" moriah yells
"What?" He asks, his eyes continue to be glued to the screen
"Stop watching!" She whines
"Hi" he smiles as he faces her and she huffs and looks away. I feel a hand on my thigh and i look to see dustin. Hes smiling softly at me yet i still feel myself going red. I put my head on his chest
"Ur a dick brandt" moriah huffs
"Ok come on! Its a movie!" He says
"Damn u guys argue like an old married couple" i say
"Mums" dustin says
"Shut the fuck up" they both say in sync
"Okay guys shut up!" Sams hoe says
"SHUTUP" me and moriah yell at her. Im mainly upset because i know that hes miami dick and has being messing with mayas emotions and she is right fucking there. I will kill him.

This movie is so fucking boring. All the boys are drooling over it, except from my boy. We have been talking the whole film through and suddenly brenden and anna comeback
"Homeboy" dustin says as he daps brenden up. Anna looks disgusted
"You good" i whisper to her
"No." She mouths to me
"Ill be back" i say as i grab her hand and take her out
"What happened?" I say to her
"It was horrible" she says, choking up
"Hey hey its okay" i say as i pull her into a hug
"I dont wanna do it anymore, im not ready" she says
"You dont do anything you dont want to. Okay?" I say as she nods
"Lets go back" i smile as i take her back
"What happened?" Mo mouths to me
"Later" i mouth back
"What happened?" Dustin whispers
"Ill tell u later" i whisper bacl as he hums
"Thats the end! Thank you" richard says
"Bye" i say as i get up
"Moriah ill call you later." I smile as she nods
"Want me to walk u home?" He asks
"Yeah sure" i say as we walk out the house
"Whats up with anna?" He asks
"She said he was a horrible kisser and started crying" i say
"That must've been a pretty bad kiss then" he laughs as i nod
"I feel bad, she looked disgusted" i say as i feel his hands interlock with mine
"Hey, you know ur my favourite person?" I smile
"Your mine, carmen" he chuckles
"My stop. Bye dustin" i smile as we reach my house
"Bye carmen" he chuckles and i lean in and kiss him. The kiss lasts for ten seconds before i wave and knock on the door to see cassie answer it and drag me in with a cheeky smile on her face
"WE ALL SAW THAT!" She squeals as maddie and her friends are sitting by the window, smiling
"Saw what? I dont know what your talking bout" i scratch my head and look away
"YOU KISSED HIM" bb says
"AAA" maddie screams as she hugs me
"I know this wasnt ur first kiss with him but its the first ive seen!" She says as she hops around
"Come sit and tell us all about him." Bb says as she pats the seat next to her, i roll my eyes and go to sit down as they all cheer
"Hold on, i need tea!" Maddie says as they all nod so she makes us all tea
"Okay so i hated him when i started the grade because he made fun of my friend, then he redeamed himself." I start and maddie brings over the tea
"Okay continue" maddie says as she sits down
"Then he gave me his number. And told me to call him, so i did. And we started calling alot" i smile
"Then i went to mirandas sleepover and he was there, we went into a closet and just talked, then i kissed him on the cheek." I say as they all squeal.
"Then we started talking in school more, so he asked me to meet him by the lockers and we kissed for the first time" i smile
"CUTIES" kat says
"Then we done community service and we hanged out alone for the first time." I say
"And then now." I smile
"Thats so sweet" maddie says, wiping her tears
"Why are you crying?" I laugh
"Because its so cute, i like him more then any boyfriend you will ever have" she says
"I wont have any others" i shrug
"Im going up to bed now, night mads night everyone!" I say as they all wave
I get upstairs and immediately call moriah
"Hi. What happened with anna?" She asks
"She started crying because brenden kissed so badly" i laugh
"OH MY DAYS" she cackles
"Anyways see you tomorrow momo" i smile as i wipe my makeup off
"Night carmie" she says as i end the line and slowly fall asleep

THE NEXT DAY i get my stuff from my locker as i see becca walk out with a smug look on her face, i wonder what shes up too.  Shortly after i see maya running like her life depends on it. BRRR INGGGG The bell goes off. Thank god. Next class! I see anna walk out shyly as she walks to her locker which is a few away from mine
"Hi anna" i smile as brendens nerd friend runs and puts something in annas hand and runs away
"Whats that?" I say as i read it




my heart drops, becca done this i know it
Suddenly maya runs up to us
"I ran and ran i couldnt find them" she says
"Its fine we got broken up with" she says as i give her a sad look
"Oh anna im sorry" i say as i hug her and walk away to find moriah.


Lowkey hate this chapter but wtv

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