Chapter 3 - Revelation in the Light of Day

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Author's Note: I am 99.99% certain that none of y'all expect the plot twist in this chapter. Lol. Enjoy the ending! Thank you so much for reading, voting, and/or commenting! :D

PS. The next Sith mystery will start being posted in two weeks. ;)

~ Amina Gila

Ahsoka has an instant bad feeling about it when she senses the disturbance in the Force. Something is wrong, and she sprints for the hangar as fast as she can, scrambling into a speeder and taking off for... where she senses it centers from. She couldn't misplace that feeling.

500 Republica.

It only seems to be increasing as she streaks through the traffic lanes, speeding to the apartment building. She can't shake the feeling that she needs to get there as fast as possible, even if she doesn't know why.

Maybe she should stop to call Anakin... Although if something is happening to Padme, he probably already sensed it and is well on his way. He knows her far better, after all. She'll assume he's already realized that he needs to come.

She scrambles out of her speeder the moment it's landed, sprinting into the apartment itself – and maybe, this once, using the Force to unlock the door instead of knocking is excusable, because she could swear she feels the Dark Side in there, and she can hear what sounds like a fight, and what in the world is happening?! Why would she sense that unless –

Ahsoka skids to a stop in the doorway of the room, momentarily freezing as she takes in the sight in front of her. The room is in chaos, the very obvious result of a fight – between none other than Maul and one very familiar Gungan.

Where did Maul even come from?! No one's even heard from him in... how long?

And what?

Why is Jar Jar in here? And why is he using a red lightsaber? What's happening?!

Anakin has his lightsaber out, though he's standing near the hall that leads to where Padme's bedroom is. Ahsoka's not surprised to him already here, but –

Maul and Jar Jar are both Sith, and now that she's standing right here with both of them, she can't help but notice that the Gungan's Force-presence feels different. He was obviously shielding well, but it's dropped somewhat now, and she could swear he feels exactly like the shadow voice that's been talking to her when all of this started.

The very Sith they were looking for.

Or is the Sith they were looking for Maul?! Because none of this makes any sense. Why are there three Sith? And why are two of them fighting each other in Padme's apartment?!

Ahsoka draws her lightsabers instantly, starting forwards.

"Mesa handle this!" Jar Jar insists, lashing out with the Force, throwing Maul back. He doesn't feel of the same darkness that Maul and Dooku did, but that doesn't change anything.

"You're a Sith," Ahsoka accuses sharply, eyes narrowed. She can't say what's stopping her from just jumping into the fight, except that she has no idea what's even going on here, or why there's a Sith Civil War in the living room.

"Issa power very bombad," he replies, blithely, ears flopping as he blocks Maul's next swing.

"My master never spoke of you," the Zabrak hisses, yellow eyes burning with anger.

"Hesa no knew of mesa," Jar Jar replies, almost too cheerfully.

"What's going on here?" Ahsoka demands, finally turning to Anakin.

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