Chapter 4

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Playing the perfect host, I made us some tea and brought it to the living room. They'd already made themselves at home on my couch. I put the cups down and settled back in the couch opposite them, carefully blowing on my tea.

"Tell me," I looked over the rim of my cup, my voice echoing around the large room. "Tell me all about it. I mean that's why you're here, aren't you?" I narrowed my eyes at the duo in front of me. To give them credit, they didn't squirm in their seats at the glare.

"We are from an organisation who —"

"—What kinda organisation? What are you bunch called?" I interrupted the still nameless female.

"Haima. We're called Haima."

I scoffed, the name was weird.

"I'm Carmine. I didn't think we've properly met."

"Mikhael, but you already know that."

She — Carmine — smiled.

I took a sip of my tea — the only thing I enjoyed about their unwelcome visit. I might have invited them in, but it was not like they gave me much choice. They'd come anyways whether I wanted to or not.

"And what do you do exactly? This 'Haima'."

"We serve justice."

"Justice, hm?" I leaned forward in my seat, keeping eye contact. "The way you guys operate makes me suspect you guys aren't entirely legal. Am I right?"

"Yeah," Baylen spoke up for the first time in a while and said it like he hadn't just admitted to being part of an illegal organisation. "You are right, I mean. We're a rebel organisation, who carries out justice, because we all know that's not always done when talking about the rich."

"Wouldn't I be a liability by telling me all this? And how do you even determine whether something is justice. This all sounds like something that I don't even want anywhere near me, even if I was him. So what makes you think this Bryce Deve-something will. What's so special about him that it makes you hunt so feverishly for him."

"He has a special skill set ideal for the job. He'd be of great help to our organisation."

"Honestly this sounds like a cult. You better get out of my house. I don't want to hear another word about this cult of yours," I stood up, ready to shoo them out of my house.

Baylen stood up too, "Wait, wait. Let us just explain."

"Didn't you hear me?" I raised a brow. "I said I didn't want you to explain. I don't want to become an even bigger liability to your cult."

"You aren't, I promise. You aren't a liability. Nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, right," I mumbled skeptical. "Still want you to get the hell outta here."

"No really," he tried calming me down. "You'd be of great help to our cause."

"Way to sound like a cult," I rolled my eyes. "No thanks. And for the last time, I'm not him."

"You are," he sneered.

"Anyways," Carmine interrupted sharply, "We're looking for you, because we believe you'd be of great help and want you to join us."

Normally I didn't let cults pass the front door. Must have missed one. "He'd be of great help in what exactly?"

"Killing those who don't deserve to live," she stated bluntly.

"See you're a cult. Classic killing for the cause."

"We're not a cult!" Baylen interrupted.

"You so are."

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