Chapter Nine

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Phoenix stared at the clock to his right, the placement of the hands indicating that it was way past the time that Penelope would usually stop by.

It would mean that his girl forgot to stop by for lunch. Again.

His fingers twitched as he resisted reaching for his phone to send her a text to ask where she was. He didn't want to come across as a clingy, insecure boyfriend. But given his thoughts, and actions... that's exactly what he was.

He couldn't help it though. Not when he had barely seen her throughout the entire week. Not when he had barely spoken to her, smelt her, made love to her.

He didn't realize how preoccupied she would become from being involved in this sorority bullshit. If he had known it would make her leave at the ass crack of dawn every morning and come back late at night, he would've been less supportive of her joining.

Her absence had made him realize just how dependant on her he was. For her touch and affection, for his own sanity and happiness. But he would never voice that, no. Nor would he ever tell her. It sounded pathetic enough in his own head, he didn't need her sharing that image of him.

"Hey, I'm gonna head out now, you good to close up?"

Phoenix turned his head to the right to see Noah leaning against the doorframe, as he zipped up his backpack.

He blinked, not having realized how long he had been sitting there, but it was clearly long enough for the last few hours of his workday to fly by.

"Yeah. Just leave the key for me."

Noah nodded and made a move to step out, but he hesitated, seeming to contemplate asking something.

"I haven't seen Penelope in a bit, everything okay with her?"

Phoenix raised a brow at the question, his expression displaying confusion. But all the while his heart stuttered, and his stomach dropped at the fact that Penelope's absence was noticed by someone other than him.

"She's fine."

The Norwegian's response was clipped and short, as he tried to hide how bothered he was by his co-worker's interest.

He didn't mind Noah, but right now he could do without the prying, especially since Penelope and the details of his relationship were absolutely none of his business.

Noah didn't look particularly convinced but he could tell by the tone that Phoenix was not particularly keen on delving into the topic of his girlfriend.

"Alright." He nodded as he decided to drop it. "I'll see you Monday."

Phoenix remained seated up until he heard the front door close. After that point, he slammed his fist on his work desk with a curse and abruptly stood from his chair.

"Fucking nosey prick." He mumbled to himself as he aggressively threw his belongings into his bag. His mood only worsened throughout the 15 minutes it took him to finish his end-of-day tasks, when he still heard nothing from his girlfriend.

As he drove home, he found his inner turmoil clawing and thrashing inside him until it morphed into that of anger. It was a typical coping mechanism of his, usually occurring when the feelings he was experiencing were too much for him to handle. It was easier for him to welcome the familiar burn of rage than confront anything else. Especially when he hasn't had to in a long time.

Slamming his car door shut, he ran a hand through the brown strands that tickled his forehead and nose, reminding him that he needed to get it cut. The only reason he had been holding off was because of the pleads from the smaller girl who preferred it long, her argument being that it was fun to play with.

Phoenix: The FallenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz