Chapter One

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Long, full-bodied waves bounced against the girl's skin, the ends of the fawn-coloured ringlets just barely skimming her hips.

Penelope didn't hold back the bounce in her step as she walked along the sidewalk. She allowed her mind to wander as she walked, the route so familiar she could do it with her eyes closed.

The first day of her university orientation had gone so well. She expected herself to be more overwhelmed, but she was pleasantly surprised to find herself buzzing with excitement.

The University of Pennsylvania was her dream school. She could still feel the absolute disbelief that shook her body when she read her name next to the word "accepted." But what left her near faint was the realization that she was being offered a scholarship that would fully cover all her tuition and living expenses.

Once Penelope recovered from the initial shock, she screamed in excitement, leading to her concerned mother running down the stairs and into the living room. But the Ivey League letterhead and messily ripped envelope caught Lila up very quickly, and soon both women were screaming and jumping with happiness.

"Hey Penelope, got anything for me this time?"

The girl's eyes widened in surprise before a smile stretched across her blush-toned lips. Her mind had taken her elsewhere, but it seemed like she had successfully arrived at her destination.

Reaching into her taupe-coloured tote bag, she pulled out a sandwich that was neatly wrapped in plastic.

"Of course, this one's a surprise. Let me know if you like it."

The slightly older boy returned her smile as he took the sandwich, his brown eyes softening as he peered down at her.

"I already know I will." The boy settled back into the chair behind the cash register and wasted no time unwrapping the plastic. "He's in the back." He mumbled mid-chew of his first bite; the silver of his lip ring briefly caught the light from one of the LED bulbs.

"Thanks!" Penelope replied as she was already halfway through the back door.

The smell of cedar hit her immediately, and she made sure to watch her step to avoid stepping on anything sharp and pointy even while the workstation was kept relatively clean.

She was thankful that they weren't cutting wood at this time; the obnoxiously loud droll of the electric saw got on her nerves, and on those days she could only stay for mere minutes.

Her soft expression melted even further when she saw her boyfriend sitting on a tiny stool with black headphones covering his ears.

She almost didn't want to approach him. He was clearly in the zone, even while his body was much too big for that stool and sitting on it didn't look particularly comfortable.

But Penelope knew that he would never prioritize lunch if she didn't drop by. And she did, at the same time every day.

Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, the girl's eyes eagerly soaked up the drawing on the page, the light, graphite strokes indicating that it was unfinished.

But just as soon as Phoenix felt the familiar warmth seep into his skin, he closed the sketchbook and pulled off his headphones to face his girl.

"Baby, I told you, you don't have to bring me lunch every day. I don't like you coming here alone."

The girl's heart fluttered as his arms wrapped around her waist, and she looked away bashfully to avoid his blue-laced gaze.

"But I wanted to. You always forget to eat Phoenix, it's not good for you."

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