chapter 3 • ethan's sudden interest had all of the same symptoms of a crush

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the group of teenagers were spread around the living room, in a messed up circle.

a bunch of brown boxes slid in the center of the room.

"okay, we have to get this done, or else i can't have any guys here." quinn complained.

"same." cherry agreed with a sigh.

"ethan would." chad laughed to himself.

"shut up." ethan said, a tinge of pink coating his cheeks.

the boy frowned in embarrassment.

"no thanks." cherry stated.

ethan covered his face with his hands, tuning out mindy's laughter.

why did she constantly insist on embarrassing him?

each time she said something about him, it was always cruel.

like, for example, a few days before, cherry was paired up with ethan for a pair project.

the professor standing at the front of the room read out the names.

he'd called out ethan and cherry, and her face contorted with disgust.

'ew.' the girl had spoken.

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