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Warning: Mentions of death and gore.

Something blocked Liza's view of the charcoal bodies, and she shrieked in surprise, trying in vain to get away.

Something wrapped around her waist, against her tender ribs, and her yell became a howl of pain. "Don't TOUCH me!" she screamed, her eyes wild with a terror so potent she couldn't focus on anything else. "STOP! No! It hurts! Please!"

Touch, touch, touch—

Was it Mitchell? Had Mitchell lived? Was he trying to take her away from the crash site? Where was he taking her?

Oh, God, what the hell was he going to do with her?!

The pain was easily dismissed by adrenaline as she fought even harder against her assailant. "NO! Let me go, let me go, let me go!" She was crying.

Or, she thought she was. Or perhaps it was raining?

The arm disappeared, a voice following shortly after, but Liza couldn't distinguish anything through the ringing in her ears.

"Tim!" She called, stumbling toward the wreckage, focused once more on her original mission. She would find Tim, and he would help her. He would make sure that Mitchell never touched her. "Timothy! Tim?! Tim! Tim, it's Liza!"

There was no response, but it was fine. She'd been unconscious for a little while, so he was probably unconscious too. That was to be expected. She'd wake him up. All she had to do was be faster than Mitchell and get to Tim before the other man could touch her again.

"Tim!" she hollered again, her voice hoarse. "Tim, where are you?!" There were so many bodies. Some of them didn't even appear to be in one piece. An arm there, a leg there, someone's head was too far from their neck to be normal—

Was that metal in a woman's chest?

Liza shook her head, unconcerned. She just needed to find Tim. Maybe Minna knew where he was? She would ask if she happened upon her boss first.

She caught a hint of baby blue in her peripheral vision and whipped to the right, squinting at the color. Was it . . .?

The voice registered again suddenly, closer, and she darted to what she was sure was Tim before Mitchel could snatch her away.

"Tim!" she cried, relieved, ducking around an especially large hunk of metal only to halt at the sight before her.

Tim was unconscious, but it was odd. His limbs didn't look right.

Oh, he didn't even have them all. His left leg was missing, his right sported the same charred look as some of the other passengers, and his arms were twisted in a way that was sure to leave him sore once he woke up.

Still, Liza would help him. It would be difficult, of course, but if she supported him on his weak side, then he would likely be able to limp alongside her until they succeeded in escaping the pilot.

"Tim!" she ushered again, sliding to a stop beside him, grateful that her pain had vanished. Clearly she hadn't been nearly as injured as him, but that would be all the better for them. "We have to move. God, you're sweater's dirty. Rebecca will be so mad."

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