Why do you care?

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I was laying on my bed, looking at the ceiling and listening to music. I needed to relax after an eventful day. Pansy was at Hogsmade with Theodore, catching up and drinking butter beer.

They asked me to join them but I turned them down, saying I was sleepy.

Truth is, I'm not. I just need some time to alone.
They invite me to everything lately as if someone is trying to upset me, by reminding of how lonely I am.

Everything that I've been trying to forget, or escape. It's all coming back, haunting me. No one could understand this feeling. No one.

Except for him.

I stood up, and walked to the Astronomy tower, where I knew I would find him, smoking one cigarette after the other, and staring at the night sky.

I finally reached the top of the stairs and confirmed my suspicion. His tall, muscular figure was leaning on the railing, smoke escaping his lips.

"You're here." He spoke, but he didn't turn to face me.

"I couldn't sleep." I replied, as I walked closer to him.

"I could tell." He said, handing me a cigarette.

I realised it was blue, different than the one he was smoking.

"It's lavender. It will help you cool off." He explained.

"Light me up?" I mumbled.

He did so, and then turned to face me.

"Why are you here? You surely didn't fancy a smoking session with me." He said, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Well, we didn't talk much after what happened." I explained.

"You mean when you turned me into stone?" He let out a husky laugh.

"Yeah that. I was really worried about you. I thought I wouldn't be able to fix you." I said, staring at the night sky.

"You're the only one able to fix me." He said under his breath, and caused my blood to freeze.

I turned to look at him, and his expression was as confused as mine.

I'll always be there to fix you.

Our eyes locked. The corner of his mouth was forming a small smile.

"Only you"

Only me.

I slid my hands behind his neck, bringing our faces closer. He kissed my forehead softly and rested his head on mine.

I felt him exhaling, relaxing.

"Promise me you won't get hurt y/n."

I'll try.

"No. That's not what I asked for."

You know I can't promise you that, Riddle. It's a dangerous game we're playing here.

"I'm willing to lose if I get to keep you."

I lifted my head to see him already staring down at me, his gaze moving to my lips.

I tip toed as much as I could, leaning in to press my lips against his. But he moved his head back, avoiding me, pressing his finger on my mouth.

"No kisses until you promise." He demanded.

"You can't resist me for that long, Riddle." I teased.

"I'll resist you 'til it kills me if your life depends on it." He said, as he caressed my cheek with his cold hand.

"Didn't you hate me a second ago?" I asked, dreading his answer.

"Oh I hate you. I despise you. You make me feel things I never felt before. Things I can't deny, or get away from. Things that make me weak." He spoke, his hand pressed against my throat, his dark eyes sending daggers to my body.

I couldn't tell if he wanted to kiss me or murder me at this point. But I wasn't afraid. I wanted to push it further.

"Then why is my life so important to you?" I asked, as l run my finger down his toned chest.

"Because my life depends on yours. My sanity requires your body next to mine. Your smile against my lips."

My heart was fluttering.

But why? He hates me. And I hate him too.

Bloody hell, take me on this fucking railing now.

He let out a breathy laugh at my thought but then got serious again.

"Go ahead, promise me." He said in a cold voice.

"I'll never leave you Riddle. I promise."

And with that, he smashed his lips on mine, kissing me as if it would be the last time.

Only he has me wishing that this time will never come.

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