1 - Accident

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"Tommy get your bag packed!" Mother Said.
"Ok ok I am!"
I was going to my best friends house today for a sleepover since we have never had one before and we're allowed to have one now.
(Car beep in the driveway)
"Tommy your friend and his mom are here!" Mother said.
"Ok love you mom!"
"Love you too Tommy."
As I got Into my friends we decided to watch YouTube videos on his iPad until we got to his house.
"Tommy let's go in my room and play!"
"Ok Michael."
We played on his Nintendo switch for about 3 hours until dinner was ready.
"TOMMY, MICHAEL TIME FOR DINNER." Michael's mom yelled."
"Coming" they both said
For dinner we had McDonald's then after it was time for bed.
"Tommy I have something to say to you..." Michael said.
"What is it?"
"I still wear diapers to bed."
"Oh cool ok I don't mind."
"Ok thanks."
"Michael come into my room to get changed!" His mom said.
After Michael got changed we came out and I saw a bulge on his pajamas.
"Tommy come in my car!" His mom said.
I felt nervous because I didn't want to wear diapers but I walked in and she told me to get up on the changing table so I obeyed.
"Sorry Tommy I have to put you in diapers just in case you don't wet the bed." His mom said.
"It's fine."
As Michael's mom was putting the diaper on my the padding felt nice but it also felt weird that I was wearing a pampers diaper. (What I looked like):

 (What I looked like):

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____After me and Michael fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom but I ignore it because I don't want to get out of bed

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After me and Michael fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom but I ignore it because I don't want to get out of bed. I fall back asleep.
I wake up again at 2 am with stomach pains I decide to get back up and head to the bathroom I didn't know where it was because I didn't have to go yesterday. As I was walking I accidentally trip and fall to the ground. I felt my diaper getting bigger and pooped for about 1 minute then started to pee. I felt so bad so then I walked back into his room and fell back asleep. ( Tommy squatting in a diaper looked like):

 ( Tommy squatting in a diaper looked like):

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