Chapter Two

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I could hear the beating of my heart between my ears as I stared at Tara. Ghostface was here, in New York, right now. We left Woodboro and the motherfucker is still in our lives.

Before I could question her, Tara was off to the kitchen but I followed just as fast. "Tara, are you fucking around with me?"

"Why would I fuck around about ghostface?" She said, huffing as she grabbed a bag of popcorn off of the counter. It was my bag but I couldn't even focus on that right now. Tara was acting as if this was a normal Tuesday but it wasn't. We had to leave. Now.

Pulling out my phone, I immediately went to the search bar. "What are you doing, Sam?" She questioned, head leaning over to look at me phone. "No."


"No, Sam. We are not taking a flight to fucking Nebraska."

"It's the first flight out of the city and we need to leave. I'm not going to just sit here with a ghostface around."

"It could just be some idiots deciding to wear the mask. It's Halloween tomorrow night and a lot of masks are being bought— it doesn't mean it's connected to us."

My eyebrows pulled together as I watched Tara not make any sense. A murderer in a ghostface mask was never a coincidence. Ever. And the fact that she wanted to brush it off made my head hurt.

She was still struggling with the bag as I sat my phone on the counter. "Tara, I get that your coping mechanisms are to pretend what happened to us never happened but we can't be rash."

"You're the one being rash!" A loud pop sent the both of us jumping, hearts in our throats as the popcorn ripped open and flew in every direction. Her eyes closed as she inhaled deeply, hands gripping the two ends of an empty bag.

I stepped forward to grab ahold of the bags. "Are you okay?"

A creak caused her eyes to reopen and my head to turn in the direction of the sound. My first instinct was to grab a weapon but remembering who was in the closet made my heart speed up for another reason. I couldn't have this news on top of ghostface being back.

If Tara found Y/n in here, her anger and anxiety would be taken out on me and it didn't help that I just found out her girlfriend died yesterday. Her girlfriend died yesterday.. why the fuck was she here?

"Did you hear that?" Tara whispered, hand reaching for the rack of knives. I slowly shook my head, trying to deter her from walking to the pantry.

"It sounded like it came from the bedroom." I said, leading her in that direction before she made up her own mind. I just hoped that Y/n got the hint and made a run for it in time.

I had to pretend I was actually on guard as I grabbed the doorknob, slowly starting to push the door open and expecting no one on the other side.

A gloved hand waving menacingly. My heart dropped, eyes not registering the masked killer until it was too late. He made a run for us.

"Run!" I shouted to Tara as I pulled the door closed behind me and ran for the front door. It swung open, revealing another masked ghostface. We ran in the opposite direction.

Our apartment was little as it was and it became a maze within the second. I followed Tara into the living room, trying not to focus on the heavy boots trailing behind us. The tightening of my chest almost made it hard to breath as I rounded the couches to the sliding door that led to the fire escape.

My hand fell onto it just as I heard a scream. Spinning around, I looked behind me to see Tara being pulled back, a knife pressing against her neck. I scanned the area to find anything I could use to attack. A chair, a a cup, a fucking phone, anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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