Chapter one

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"Like I told your partner, I just saw it hanging there. And my fucking Top Gun jacket is still missing, by the way."

Y/n's jaw clenched as the detective continued to stare at her blankly, waiting to write on his notepad. With a huff, Y/n began to tell the story again. "Fine. I had just got done giving her, Morgan, a great time and she was thirsty so, I volunteered to go get us some water. I ran into my brother and we talked for a bit when he remembered he forgot his phone charger in his car. He went to get the charger and I... I heard a sound, like um something dropping, you know?"

The detective nodded, eyeing her while scribbling down everything she was saying. Y/n's eyes shifted from his to the table, head shaking slightly as she recounted everything. "So I ran up there and that's when I saw her on the floor. She wasn't moving or breathing and that's when I shouted for Isaac to call 911."

"How could he hear you if he was outside?" Y/n snapped her head upwards at the condescending tone from the detective, automatically knowing why he was implying. "You said he went to get his charger?"

"Yes. But I panicked. I'm not thinking of my brother being outside, I'm thinking about calling for help."

"Why didn't you pick up a phone?"

"I didn't have it on me."

"We found your phone next to Morgan." Y/n's mouth closed as she felt the accusations piling up from him. The detective leaned forward. "Why didn't you grab your phone and call an ambulance?"

"Because I.. I was scared." Her head shook as she leaned back against the chair with a thud. "I barely know the girl. I just had sex with her and then she winds up dead not more than twenty fucking minutes later? I was scared okay? I— I called for my brother because that's all I could think of. I'm sorry if it's not a reasonable reaction but how else do you expect a twenty year old to react to someone's throat pooling with blood?"

The detective stared at Y/n, Y/n stared back, hands nervously tugging at the long sleeve of her shirt. Then, he closed his notebook. "We ran the security cameras at your house and can account for you in the kitchen at the time of death." Y/n sunk into her chair with a heavy exhale, relief immediately flooding her body. "But we're still keeping an eye on you, Y/ln. I don't care who your dads are. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Y/n sat, heavily sighing as she lifted from the chair. As they walked out of the room, her eyes brightened when she saw motherly eyes staring impatiently at a worker in front of them.

"No I'm not her mom, I'm her sister but that doesn't matter— I want to be present in the room with her.. I don't care that she's not a minor!"

"Juli?" Y/n called out, smile widening when her sister turned towards her. Julia glared at the lady at the front desk before power-walking to the youngest Y/ln. "I thought you were in Singapore?"

"Left early to check on you. How are you, kiddo?" Julia was the oldest of the three, not by much but enough to take on the role of the parents they didn't have. Well, the parents that weren't present.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders, sensing the stares of the detectives just behind her. Instantly, she slumped her shoulders down and shook her head. "Not good.. I paid a lot for that jacket." Juli furrowed her eyebrows and lightly shook her head in disapproval. Y/n smirked. "I'm kidding, a joke to lighten the mood."

"Not the place nor time, Y/nn." Juli responded, arm lightly wrapping over her younger sister shoulder as they walked outside of the police precinct. "Im gonna stay with you guys tonight but I'll have to fly out tomorrow morning. My boss is an ass and only gave me today off."

"Well yeah, his names Merrium. Anyone with a name like that is a dickhead."

Juli shrugged slightly as she pulled her car keys out and unlocked the door, allowing them both to slide in. "He pays well so I'll withstand it."

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