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                 Heeseung waited by the bleachers with a towel draped over his head as Sunghoon was seated right beside the rookie skater making sure that he was alright. Distant piercing eyes were cast directly at him and he could feel every presence that heated each stare that glanced towards their direction – he was conscious and anxiety crept drilling his whole being, every time he would take a glimpse at the rink with each skater that performed, cameras would point to their direction and it would catch him reminiscing of far-flung rooted heart aches of ice skating.

But then remembering his heart shattering moment fainted when he focused on Heeseung, his young skater, giving him the comfort that he needed. The rookie skater was fidgeting his thumbs in nervousness, the thought of him breaking down in that arena crowded his mind with doubt and worry, worried that he made a scene of his unlawful act, gently, Sunghoon tapped his fidgeting fingers and Heeseung looked up to meet his soft and steady eyes, finding any some sort of signs that he was upset but to his surprise he couldn't feel any presence of anger that lingered on his coach. "I'm sorry, I let you down coach I should have listened to you — My mind was so full about the other night, and I forgot what to do next. It wasn't me; I swear. . .."

"Hey. . ." Sunghoon interrupted him. "The last thing I want to hear from you is your apology and like I said you did well, chin up skater I'm not mad at all, you did your job, and you did well."

Even hearing it for the second time Heeseung couldn't contain the smile from his features the only assurance that he needed.

As the time for the awards ceremony approached, Heeseung's heart seemed to quicken its pace, as if caught in a delicate waltz with anticipation. He couldn't help but dwell on the possibility that he might not find himself standing on that coveted podium. The thought weighed on him like an anchor, threatening to drag him and his dedicated coach back to the starting line, erasing the progress they had fought so hard to make.

Amid the hushed tension that enveloped the arena, Heeseung found solace in silent prayers, seeking reassurance from forces beyond his control. To his right stood the ever-confident Sunoo, his rosy hair a stark contrast to the sea of anxious faces. Sunoo, undaunted by the uncertainty of the outcome, boldly waved to the expectant audience.

As Heeseung's internal turmoil simmered, he turned his gaze towards his fellow skater. With a soft, encouraging tone, the pink skater whispered words meant for only the two of them to hear, "There's always a next time, ace skater." It was a subtle reminder that in the world of figure skating, setbacks were as much a part of the journey as success, and they would navigate them together, no matter what the outcome of this dance.

No — there won't be a next time Heeseung thought, he held his champion ring rubbing it for luck as he took a deep breath once more, he looked at the board of scores and then to his coach by the side. Please. Please. Please. He pleaded and pleaded.

Breaking the Ice | 엔하이펜 | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now