Episode 2: Home

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The episode begins at the Monastery of Spinjitzu with Wu meditating. He hears the ninja arguing offscreen

Kai: My turn! Uh, it's my turn!

Cole: Oh, you want a little more? Take this!

Jay: Yeah? How about a little of this?

Kai: Monkey paw to the head!

Cole: Ninja, roll!

Jay: Dragon punch!

Wu goes to the video game room only to find that none of the ninja are there. Dabi was there, however, but not playing video games. He had a pile of photos in his hand that showed a young boy with white hair, a younger boy with brown hair and an even younger girl with black hair. He noticed Wu's presence and knew what he was there for.

Dabi: Believe it or not, they are actually training. It came as a shock to me too.

Wu: I see. Would you care to join me in checking up on them.

Dabi: Why not.

Dabi pockets the photos and the two of them go to the training compound and Su is still shocked to see that the ninja are actually training. Jay is deflecting arrows with his weapon, Cole is practicing on the dummies. Kai is practicing his Spinjitzu 
and Zane is meditating.

Kai: Ninja, go!

Zane suddenly gets up from his meditation process and disturbs the other ninja. He starts by jumping in front of Jay.

Jay: Hey! Huh?

He steals Cole's weapon for the dummy test.

Cole: Hey! What?

Zane: Ninja, go!

His Spinjitzu freezes the whole compound, causing Kai to slip.

Kai: Woah, oof.

Kai, Jay and Cole regroup.

Kai: This roof isn't big enough for the four of us.

Cole: Correction: This roof isn't big enough for him.

Jay: It's like he's in his own world. (Raising his voice.) I bet he can't even hear us!

The Sensei's approaches the three disturbed ninja. Dabi seemingly holding a curious expression, wondering what the ninja said before they approached.

Kai: Sensei Wu, Dabi, Zane's... weird.

Wu: What is weird? Someone who is different or someone who is different than you?

Cole: No, Sensei. He's "weird" weird.

Cole's flashback shows Zane entering the bathroom despite Cole doing some private business.

Cole: (Embarrassed.) Do you mind?!

Jay's flashback shows him, Nya, and Zane watching a sad romantic movie.

Man: (On TV) Goodbye, my darling.

Zane starts laughing. Jay and Nya look angry.

Kai's flashback shows him going to the fridge, but he finds Zane inside) [In an alternate version, he finds a note inside Zane had left

Kai: Ahh! Holy bologna!

Zane: I'm sorry. I consumed the last of the deli meat. Cheese?

Flashbacks end. Dabi has a confused and concerned look on his face.

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