Beelzebub x Reader Angst

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TW: Death and gore. 😇 This is shorter than my usual oneshots, apologies! I don't typically write angst, either, so that's coincidental.

  Beelzebub was a man whom nobody dared to cross. Any God who dared to get roped into his life would be met with great misfortune. He was lonely, for anyone he developed a relationship with would soon meet a gruesome end. Beelzebub was cursed by Satan, who would eat the hearts of his loved ones. Of course, you being you, you couldn't live with the thought that Beelzebub was destined for a life such as that. So, one day, after weeks of trying to approach him, you finally did it.

  "Pardon me, you're Beelzebub, correct?" You tilted your head and he looked over his shoulder at you, looking up at you in silence. He looked you up and down, confused. His name was practically infamous, so why were you talking to him with a smile? "I was wondering if..." you twiddled your thumbs. "If you'd like to hang out with me?" Beelzebub turned back around, his back completely to you.

  "Why would I do that?" He asked. "You just seem to lonely. I always see you by yourself, and I want to be your friend." You decide to simply answer honestly, which visibly surprised Beelzebub, since he turned back around. You outstretched your hand to him and indicated for him to take it. He looked from your hand, then up at you before taking your hand.

  After that fateful day, Beelzebub was happier. He would smile and laugh, which are things he doesn't remember really ever doing beforehand. After a while, Beelzebub eventually confided in you about his problem. He expected you to run away or something, possibly begin to treat him like how everyone else does. Except you didn't. "You find out who Satan is? Well then, let me help! You shouldn't do that all by yourself!"

  Beelzebub could pinpoint the exact moment when he began feeling more than just friendly with you. He felt even more motivated to seek out Satan so that he could rid himself of his curse now. He wanted to have his happily ever after with you. It was this moment that he felt that spark. He admired you and your willingness to help him, despite it always being there.

  Beelzebub slaved away, flipping through page after page, groaning occasionally. The bags under his eyes had gotten bad, but he didn't care. Across from him, you also sat with a book in front of you. The book, all splayed out, was as big as your shoulder-to-shoulder width. You had your head propped up by your hand, elbow on the table, as you too flipped through pages. You finally stood and walked over to Beelzebub's side of the table, gently clasping his closest hand.

  "We should take a break. Let's go take a nap, okay?" He looked up at you as you smiled softly. He nodded and left his book open like you had, standing up as you moved to his bed, sitting upon it. He soon accompanied you. "I'm more than willing to help you, but I care about you. I love you and I'd rather have you in good condition than watch you wither away in a chair."

  You brought your hands up to cup his cheeks, your finger under his eye as you lightly traced over his prominent eye bags. You didn't realize you let the "L" word slip, but Beelzebub did. "I... I love you too." He smiled, not only happy with the new step in your relationship, but that you hadn't succumbed to the curse. Beelzebub brought his hands up to hold your face, fully admiring your features. Subtly, his eyes glanced from your eyes to your lips, leaning in when you gave him a nod.

Uh, end here if you don't want the angst. 😋

  Almost as soon as your lips touched, that's when the curse took effect. Beelzebub was at his happiest, and that all came crashing down. Your eyes widened as tears started forming and rolling down your cheeks, the curse no longer in effect after the attack was over. Once it ended, Beelzebub sat with you in his arms, his eye as wide as saucers as you bled out in his embrace.

  "Y/n... I'm... I'm Satan..." His voice quivered as he looked over your body, then to his bloodied hand. Tears rolled down his face, dripping onto your body. You gave him a bittersweet smile, trying to smile through the pain to assure him that you'll be fine, but you both knew you weren't. "We found out together, at least." You tried lightening the mood a little, Beelzebub taking your face in his hands again. "I love you... Beelsebub..." His breath hitched, more tears dripping onto you like rainfall. "I... I love you too, Y/n..."

  Watching as you grew cold and limp, Beelzebub simply sat and stared at your body. He would squeeze your hands and rock you back and forth in his arms, as if he were rocking a baby to sleep. He sat there with your body until he gave way to exhaustion. When he awoke, he relived what he had before passing out, realizing that it wasn't just some terrible nightmare.

Bro, I'm not good at writing angst at all. Uhh, I hope this sufficed. As an Obey Me fan, this hurt more to write than it would if I wasn't.

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