cuddles slight angst

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The office door slams open to Reveal a very pissed Osamu sho looked at the door surprised for a moment then i turn in to amusement before she asked

Sho:Hey Darling what’s up with you?

Osamu:You’ve been home for an hour and a half

Sho:I’m well aware love

Osamu:not even once… not once have you tried to Cuddle me!

Sho:Sorry love

Osamu:And it’s pissing me the fuck off

Sho:Can i finish this last bit of paperwork on one of my patients

Osamu:I want my fucking cuddles

Sbo:If i let You cuddle me while I finish this last bit of paperwork off will it stop you from moaning


Sho:Come over here then

Samu gets goes to her they switch so he was in the chair she was on his  lap and he could cuddle her

Osamu:What is the paperwork about anyways

Sho:Oh Wait this is the first time you've taken an interest in my work well anyway a one year old was rushed in today she was hyperthermic and suffered secondary drowning the mother said she left her in the bath for a minute

Osamu:And the little girl?

Sho:Here’s the crappy part about my job osa i held that sweet little girl as she died yeah that is what i am fiiling out here is her coronary report

Osamu:Oh honey you had a shitty day and here i am bitching about wanting cuddles

Sho:*cries* samu I I held that Innocent little life a life that was taken to soon

She cried harder and samu felt a wave of guilt wash over him because of his attitude  sho put the report down and crawled into her husband not knowing what to say or do osamu held her close rubbing soothng circles in her back

Osamu:I am so sorry love sorry for my bad attitude and sorry you had to go through that today honestly the mother should have been more responible

Sho:I should be use to this i am a paediatric doctor working with kids i have seen loads of kids die but somehow when they are that age and that young it hits hard

Osamu:Maybe its hitting you hard because of how much you want to be a mom

Sho:Maybe it’s a theory

They stayed like that for the rest of the evening samu trying to think of ways to get the subject away from kids and the little girl and he even invited Atsumu and Suna over to help explaining what happened and suna bonking him on the head telling him he was an Inconsiderate ass Which he couldn’t argue with because he was They Concluded the night with binge watching glee and riverdale Trying to make some really bad comparisons between the two saying how they were really just rip-offs of each other and laughing ar how unrealistic the love stories were


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