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'S-sir! I promise I'll do my very best to get in!'

'I'm sure you will.'

'Well I have to deal with other matters, so far well Aizawa, Izuku.'

'Bye sir!'

Izuku smiled.

I'm going to be a hero! I will train extra hard so I can do it! I wonder if I'am to get Aizawa to help me with the scarf... Hmm I really hope I can pass.. This is my dream after all!



Aizawa sighed while Izuku gave a shy laugh.

'You were mumbling again.'


'It's fine and besides I was going to help you with the scar anyways, and you will pass Izuku.'

Izuku smiled while Aizawa gave him a light pat on the head.

'What the hell is this crap!?'

Bokugo yelled from inside the classroom. Izuku peeked in and saw the whole class room covered in green goop. He couldn't help but laugh.



'N-no! K-kachan! I-I didn't d-do this! B-believe me!'

Bokugo's hands started to create explosions, but just immediately stopped.


'Shut up kid.'

Aizawa activated his quirk making his eyes red and his hair float.

(This is what Bokugo sees btw!)
{All the art you see is not mine unless I say otherwise!}

(This is what Bokugo sees btw!){All the art you see is not mine unless I say otherwise!}

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'I'am Eraser Head. Now get out of my sight.'

Bokugo ran straight out of the classroom without looking back but he still ran into Izuku making him fall before leaving.


'You okay Izuku?'

'Yeah.. I'm fine.'

Izuku sat there for a bit before standing back up.

'Can.. Can we just go home..?'

'Sure kid.'

After that day Aizawa wouldn't let Izuku go back to that school instead sent him to a different school.

Three months has passed and its the day of the exam for UA. Izuku quickly passed the written exam bit and was waiting at the gate nervous.

Izuku looked around and saw Bokugo. 
(Sorry if im spelling that wrong!<3)

'You with the green hair!'

Some kid walked up to Izuku with chopping hands. (Iida) 

'Why do you look so nervous!'

'U-uh me..?'

'Yes! There are only two students that I'm aware of with green hair.'

'I'm f-fine! Don't worry about me!'

'Alright then.'

The bell rung and the gate doors opened having all students (Including Izuku) run straight through the door and started to attack the robots. Izuku was jumping from building to building attacking robots with the scarf, and martial arts skills as well. (Fighting like Aizawa)
(Only reason Im skipping the exam writing bit bc its boring :D)

Up in the look out place was the pro heroes.

'Well, well, well. Eraser Head seems like your training is finally pulling off.'

Midnight said smiling at all of the "cute" boys.

'Honestly Midnight, you need to control yourself.'

Power Loader sighed. Nezu laughed.

'Clearly kids these days are full of themselves.'

'Are you calling me a kid!'

'No of course not! Now let's just watch.'

All Might Pov:

Looking at all of the kids they all seem strong.

That's good! We need good heroes! Though one of  them do catches my eye. The green headed kid. Wasn't that the same kid as before? Let's see his dreams get crushed.

No one's Pov:

All Might had a creepy smile on his face.

(Hehehhe Cliff Hanger >:) )

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