Eraser! Thank you!

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Deku Pov:


Izuku said flustered. Not sure what to feel. He looked at his feet and hugged back. 

'T-thank y-you..?'

Honestly. I don't know how to feel about this..

Izuku thought. To be quite honest he didn't know how to react to it as well.

'It's alright kid.. But please.. Why did you buy the rope! Where are your parents?!'

Eraser asked. Izuku just brought his gaze up and faced Eraser still hugging him. Deku tightened his hold and just started to mutter.


(Translation: It's just that I'm so useless that my mother left me behind and I was going to hang my self before you came.)

'Shh.. It's alright..'



After sometime Izuku fell asleep in Eraser's arms. Eraser smiled at the kid.

'I have a question kid.'

'Y-yes sir..?'

Izuku said waking up.

'What's your name and quirk?'

'M-my name is Izuku Midoryia s-sir.. A-and my q-quirk is.... I don't have one sir..'

'Your quirkless?'

'Yes sir..'

Deku lowered his head  tears slowly starting to fall. Eraser crouched down and smiled once more.

'Izuku.. Do you know my quirk?'

'Y-yes sir.. It's Erasing others quirks..'

'And how do I fight..?'

Izuku lifted his head back up facing the underground hero.

How could I forget! He basically fights QUIRKLESS!

'Y-you fight quirkless sir!'

Izuku beamed a smile back at Eraser.

'I have a request for you Izuku.'

'What is it sir?'

'I want you to try and get into UA.'

'B-but s-sir..'

'Listen. I can help you train to fight like me. So you don't have to worry about a thing. Understood?'

Izuku looked back up and smiled while crying so many happy tears.

'Thank y-you so much sir!'

'Call me Aizawa.'


'First. You can't be living alone, so you will be living with me in the mean time.'

'A-are you sure I'm not to much of a burden..?'

'It's fine Izuku.'

'O-okay! T-thank you again!'

Izuku smiled at Aizawa happy that he still has a chance to be a "hero". Or so he thought.

(Im so sorry its so short this time around!)

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