The san Andreas fault

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On a TV a reporters voice is heard with the state of California the shown"the quake centered about 29 miles east of downtown Los Angeles as the a red down is shown where it happened"cell towers are down most of the city's electricity,down" is heard on the TV as a student is shown typing as they hack into the media outlets so that they can give a warning about what's to come along with multiple other students who are helping.

The student from earlier is shown smiling realizing that he finally hacked it as he rolls his chair to the glass window as he knocks on it giving a thumbs up meaning they were good to go. The male behind the glass who nods his head "okay here we go "he says before going over to were they have everything set up as Serena and Lawrence were shown sitting in front of couple of cameras."producers are telling us we have our first live feed from Los Angeles. Serena Johnson is on the ground at the seismology center in Caltech" the report says as the male signals for them to start.

"Hello Chris. I'm here with Dr. Lawrence Hayes, executive director for earthquake studies at Caltech. He and his research partner Dr Kim park... Have come up with a model that predicts earthquakes. They knew L.A was going to get hit. But nobody listened to them. It's time to listen"she says into the camera as the people around all watch hoping this will helping the long run as Serena turns to Dr Lawrence "go ahead doctor" she incoruged him.

He nods his head"okay. In seismology terms, what we're experiencing is what we call a swarm event. Basically California's entire tectonic plate has shifted."Lawrence explained on what they just felt and what caused the mager quake.

Serena nods her head "yes it seems the quake we experienced in Los Angeles did damage all the way up in San Francisco."she explains while Lawrence nodded his head"yeah, but the earthquake that they felt was from the movement along the fault line in Central valley. There end of the fault line has not moved yet. More importantly, people need to know that the shaking is not over. And it's not aftershocks I'm talking about."Lawrence explained as Serena nods her head as she listens.

Lawrence takes a deep breath "San Francisco will get hit again. And it's going to be a bigger monster this time. Our models are predicting a 9.5 or greater. It will be so big that even though it's happening here in will be able to feel it on the east coast "Lawrence explains danger that is about to happen as everyone around them share looks praying for the people in San Francisco. Lawrence then turns directly to the camera"no I cannot emphasize this enough to the people of San Francisco: you need to get out. And I mean now. And she can't you need to find any means possible... To drop cover in hold on cause your life is gonna depend on it. God be with you"he says with complete urgency into the camera hoping that people will listen this time and heed this warning.

Soon the truck is shown driving down the road through center valley as they head in the direction of San Francisco before passing a sign that shows how far King City is which is 59 miles while San Francisco is 184 miles as they drive past it.

Emma looks deep in her thoughts as a reporter is heard over the trucks radio"Aftershocks continue to rock the Los Angeles area."before she thinks about something"you ever think about what our life would be like if we hadn't lost Mallory?"Emma says as Ray looks towards her for a split second before turning forward with a sigh"em don't"he says slightly shaking his head as he continues to drive forward.

"I do. All the time"Emma says as she leans her head against the seat as the wind blows gently through her hair.

"We moved on"ray stated

Emma shakes her head "no we didn't move on. We stopped moving"Emma expresses as she continues to look at ray.

"You didn't lose her on your watch"ray says as he continues to look forward.

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