Chapter 5: The Entertainment District

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"Muzan," I say, tapping his shoulder with a pouty face, "I'd like to go somewhere. Alone."

"Oh?" Asks Muzan, turning to face me, "where? What's with the new style?"

"The entertainment district," I say, "and no, you're not coming with me. I'll be fine."

"That's not the type of place a girl like you should go, Ayaka," Muzan reprimands, "where would you even stay?"

"I plan to work at the Kyogoku house, and keep tabs on Tokito," I answer, "I won't be gone more than two weeks."

"What if you need help?" Muzan asks, irked, "how would you contact me?"

"Here," I say, handing him something from my bag, "it's an Apple tracker. From the future. Look, that's beside the point. It'll show you my location, it works without Wi-Fi. If your tracker flashes a an SOS signal, I need help. That's worst case scenario."

"Ayaka," Muzan starts, "I know you. You wouldn't do something like this for no reason. There are too many coincidences. Clearly you chose house Kyogoku for a reason."

I sigh, "Nothing gets past you does it? I need to go to the entertainment district to save Upper Moon 6, both of them. They'll be killed by slayers, and I plan to help them. I know you'll stop by around the peak of my mission, so I'll see you then. Send me off, would you?"

"Be careful," Muzan says, pulling me into a hug, "Daki can be dangerous, especially to a human."

"I know what I'm doing, trust me," I say, brushing off his hug. He looks a bit hurt but simply laughs, snapping his fingers again.

A bit dazed, I blink open my eyes. It's dark out, and the lanterns and bustling streets of the red lights district fills the area with a liveliness that brightens the scene. I'm wearing a crimson red kimono and red eyeshadow and lipstick. I went for a natural makeup look aside from that, one that accents my beauty. I put my long black hair up in the traditional style, adorned with various gold hair ornaments.

I walk towards house Kyougoku, and many people turn to look at me, whispering about how beautiful I am.

"Excuse me miss," a man says, stopping me, "are you free?" What a nuisance.

"I'm afraid not sir," I say with a polite bow of my head, "apologies." The man looks annoyed, but he reeks of alcohol. I'll have to get used to the horrible ways of this place, I'll be living here for some time. The oirans, the young underprivileged children, the disgusting men. This is the red lights district, I suppose. I walk in my elaborate red geta, scraping through the dusty dirt ground through the bustling walkways. I finally come across the Kyougoku house, and I knock on the door.

"What?" Yells the house elder, Sumi.

"I'm here to work at this house," I respond through the screen door, "would that be alright?"

"We don't need more hopeless new recruits," Sumi replies in frustration, "we've had far too many to train lately. More ugly women won't make more people come to house Kyogoku. How old are you girl? If you're young enough, you can do chores."

"I'm 27," I reply, "I'd like to work in a high position, not as a chore girl. Someone who could work at the level of Oiran Warabahime. Appear publicly, have power in the household."

"Girl, you're aiming too high," Sumi guffaws, "only Warabahime is attractive enough to appear on behalf of our house, only the most gorgeous are chosen as oirans. Let me get a look at you so you can leave quickly, I don't have time for runts who won't help our publicity." She swings open the screen door with a glare, and I smile politely.

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