Chapter 12

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Natalia spent almost an hour in her car, crying. She was happy to finally be able to be with Julián. She had spent 10 years dreaming of that moment but she never expected to have to hurt someone good in the process. Freddie was no Javier. And even if he wasn't perfect...well, she wasn't either. And he had loved her so much. She hoped he'd be able to find happiness soon.

Once she felt a bit more capable of driving, she went back to Julián's. She couldn't think of another place where she would be welcomed at that moment.

"You're back?"

But it only took him one look at her face to understand why she was back. He embraced her and kissed her head softly. He just let her cry while he hugged her. It couldn't have been easy for her.

"If you want to talk about it, we can".

"I never want to see someone looking the way he did. Ever. And not because of something I did. I feel so guilty".

"Because you're a good person", he told her, and she hugged him even tighter.

"I don't feel like one right now".

"Too many raw emotions. You'll see things differently soon".

They stayed like that for a long time. Long after Natalia stopped crying.

"You should rest".

"Yeah", she agreed and allowed Julián to walk her to his room.

He made sure she had all she could need and put an extra blanket for her, knowing she was always feeling cold.

"Don't", she said, grabbing his hand when he made to leave the room. "Stay".

"I don't think I should, Nati".

"Just stay here with me. I need you by my side".

And how could he say no to that? So he got into the bed with her and brought her closer to him.

They didn't say a word but words weren't needed at that moment. Just being there for each other was more than enough.

Natalia lifted her head to look at Julián and he couldn't help but smile. He had her, finally. He almost couldn't believe it.

They kept on closing the distance until their lips touched. And just that small kiss made them the happiest people on Earth. They didn't need anything else if they had each other.

"Julián, te quiero". (I love you).

"Yo también te amo, mi amor". (I love you too, my love).


Over the next few weeks, Natalia found a place to live. It was right in the middle of where she worked and Julián's place.

She had the chance to go pick up her things while Freddie wasn't at home. That had been their last interaction and it felt so cold. Walking around the house was hard. She had made so many memories there and most of them were good.

Her friends were Freddie's friends first, and even if they tried to fake being neutral, she knew they saw her as the bad guy.

But she was also surprised by the support she found where she least expected it.

Rose: I know right now it's a tough time but...I'm here, ok? Sheila hasn't taken this well. It's her brother who got hurt after all but even if I have to lie to her while she's angry, know I'm here for you. X

Natalia: thank you ❤️ those words mean more than you can imagine but I don't want you to be affected by this. Just knowing I can reach out to you if needed is enough. X

Rodri and Laura were huge supporters of her relationship with Julián since before it was a thing. And double dates with them were now a weekly thing.

But she had also met so many of his teammates and their partners and she felt welcome by then since the very beginning. It was all going well. It almost seemed like it was too good to be true but it was.

"What do you want to do?", asked Julián while they were cuddling on the sofa.


He looked down at her sleepy face, which he found absolutely adorable. "Are you tired?"

"No. It's just that you're so warm, I fall asleep".

"At least it isn't because you find me boring".

Natalia stretched and got up to get some water. They really needed to move and do something fun, but it was so cold outside and so nice to just be together doing nothing.

"Do you want to go shopping?", she suggested. "We still didn't get any of the things you need for the apartment".

"We were busy decorating yours".

She stuck her tongue out at him. "Not my fault you're indecisive while I know what I want".

"Oh, I know what I want", he said, his hands on her hips to bring her closer to him.

She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. "I guess we could go shopping later".


A little later they were on their way to the shops to get all the stuff Julián needed to actually make his apartment look like a place where someone lived and not look like a catalogue photo.

"We should get curtains first", said Natalia, pointing at the area where all the fabrics were exposed.


"So we know the colour palette for the rest of the rooms".

"This sounds way too complicated".

"You're such a boy sometimes".

After shaking her head at him, she moved to see all the patterns and point out the best ones to him. And then bedclothes were the next item on the list.

"I can't believe you're still using the ones that came with the apartment, Juli".

"I washed them!"

Natalia was clearly in charge and busied herself talking to one of the men working at the shop, so he could get all the things they needed. So Julián started to walk around the area a bit, looking at more things he might like when he found the big blankets Natalia had all around her apartment. She really was always cold.

He was trying to find one she didn't have already and saw a purple one that was incredibly soft. She used to like the colour purple but maybe she didn't anymore?

"What are you doing?"

He jumped at her comment, not expecting her to be right behind him. "Looking for a blanket for you. Do you still like purple?"

"Sure. But I like how cute you are better. You don't have to buy me anything".

"We both fit underneath it. It isn't just for you, my love".

"It's perfect then", she said, caressing his cheek before placing a kiss there.

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