Chapter 17: The Final Battle

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Bowser laughed and said, "I was worried for a sec that I was gonna come out naked, but my shell grows too! Cool."

He laughed and then charged up his fist. Mario gasped when Bowser released his fist into a punch and the impact hit the heroes and crashed them through the castle. Bowser then stomped off to commit his rampage. Mario groaned awake and then saw a gigantic mushroom slowly drifting away and Rohan shouted, "Oh, no! It's the Mega Mushroom! That's one of our secret projects!" 

"What does it do?"

"It's like a mushroom but it makes you the size of a kaiju, basically how big Giga Bowser here is."

Mario gasped. "Wait...If I use that...I can fight Bowser!"

"Mario, no!" Peach protested. "We've never properly tested it! We could never know what the effects are...If you use could die..."

"I know...but I'm gonna stop Bowser or die trying...for you."

Peach nodded and Mario ran towards the mega mushroom. The mushroom then fell off the area and then Mario jumped off the area ledge and quickly touched the mushroom. He grinned as he then grew to the size of a kaiju similar to Bowser. Luigi and Donkey Kong gasped and Mario looked at the other heroes. He nodded and then yelled, "BOWSER!!!! YOU'VE DESTROYED SARASALAND!! YOU'VE TORTURED MY BROTHER!!! YOU HAVE TAKEN SO MUCH FROM THIS WORLD!! NOW YOU WILL PAY!!!!!"

"Finally...This is what I've wanted since you and your brother landed here: You bowing in front of me AND Peach!"

Mario got into his fighting position and whispered, "All right...Lets-a-go..."

Bowser sneered at him and Mario ran toward Bowser. The gigantic plumber released a punch toward the turtle and the kongs, toads, and koopas ran for cover against the two giants clashing. Mario and Bowser competed in a clash for the ages. Bowser swiped at Mario with his tail and Mario kicked Bowser in the stomach. Bowser then released a fireball which Mario caught and threw back at Bowser. 

"HRRAAAAHHH!!!" Bowser yelled as he jumped and released a dropkick.

The kick hit Mario but he managed to catch himself. The effects of the Mega Mushroom, the punches to his head, and the fact that he was processing that this is happening, Mario groaned and tried to keep it together. His fist ignited in flames and then Mario released a punch. Bowser roared and said, "This ends now!! TIME TO DIE!!!"

"Look, Bowser! I'm not gonna try to stop you!" Mario replied. "But we don't HAVE to fight! Look around us! Towns are being destroyed and there has to be a better way to solve this issue! There has to be a good guy behind all your black heart has...Maybe you were forgotten by the owner of your home back in Brooklyn..."

"I WAS!!!! I loved my owner...but he never came back for me...."

"I know what it's like being abandoned..." Mario sighed. "Me and Luigi were left behind as babies and the last thing I knew, we were dumped on a doorstep to loving people, Alex and Maria. I wish I could've helped you...but I didn't. Peach, Rohan, and you suffered and I wish I could've been there...Look, you're not a bad person, you just let your anger and ego get the better of you. But you don't have to THREATEN, CONTROL and SCARE people for them to respect you or you never even needed to do this whole conquest. Here..."

Mario held out his open hand. "...People can change. You can stop this and you can never threaten anyone again if you help us rebuild what you've destroyed."

"No, Mario!" Peach said. "You can't trust him!"

"It's okay, Peach...I know what I'm doing."

Mario outstretched his hand and Bowser looked at his claws. He shuddered and then tears formed in his eyes. He then looked at Mario and smiled with tears rolling down. "That's the problem....."

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